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RE: Market Friday Give Thanks and Bookstores, Not Necessarily in that Order

in #marketriday5 years ago

Thank you so much! You always leave such kind and thoughtful words!

As bad as we think they had it, people lived a somewhat simpler, happier existence. They made their own happy, something people have a hard time with nowadays, in my opinion. Moreover, they need to be entertained with some sort of device, be it television, computer or another.

So, I am thinking they might have been the luckier ones.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words behind.

#MarektFriday loves you!



Ah, your posts are easy to write nice things about, because they really are always gorgeous! I think you must be a professional photographer, because your photos always seem to be so perfectly framed, giving the subject its best possible angle.

I do believe you are right about the happier existence they enjoyed then as they lived their much simpler lives. I was thinking the other day on how drastically the maturation process has changed from the time when I was a child to the ways today's children play and entertain themselves.

We did all of our playing outside, and today, I'd guess they do at least 75% of their playing inside if not more! And I'd bet that whatever they're playing, indoors or out, that damned phone is involved somehow.

I think we need some attention paid to this, because if ignored, what kind of adults are going to come from children raised exclusively on phones, X-boxes and social media?

It's funny that you should say that because that is one of my biggest pet peeves it is how people are raising their children these days. The phone has become the Pinnacle of every child's day, even as young as kindergarteners. I was in the grocery store the other day and there were two children that were whining because their mother would not give them her cell phone. Her cell phone! I can only imagine what my mother would give me if I whined about something like that. Well there is no imagining, because that would never happen.

The ways of the world have changed so much since I was a kid and honestly it wasn't long enough to warrant this type of change. I think that the parents have to take the bulk of the responsibility even though many people point the finger at Society. Ultimately, we are in charge of our children. It depends on what you allow in your house and even though Society May judge them a little bit harshly for being behind oh, there are ways to raise your children in the manner that you find amenable to you. Of course, people will tell you that both husband and wife need to work live in today's world but that is not true. The truth is we have different expectations of how we should live. We have this sense of entitlement that we should have a big house two cars and all the trappings of the good life. Do I not think that we should? I think each person has to judge now they want to live but I can say that I would rather have a life then to work my entire life just to live. Well I'll get off my soapbox now. I hope you have a most wonderful weekend!