Steemit Marketplace? Testing the waters and looking for feedback

What gives cryptocurrencies value? In my opinion they need to have a purpose, something you can actually do with them other than just buy and hodl hoping for a payday down the road. If we can use them to buy good or services they have more of a chance to be taken seriously.
Now I realize STEEM and SBD already has value because of the Steemit social media platform, but there's no good reason we can't do even more with it.
Why earn here if you can't spend here?

So what I am proposing is a marketplace where Steemians can sell their goods and services.
I've been in business creating custom kydex knife sheaths for almost 2 years and I'm sure there are many other's here that have either a small business or create something for extra money. It could benefit a lot of people here.

We could simply use the tag "marketplace" so people know where to look.

This is just an idea, let me know what you think.

Just for some eye-candy for anybody interested, here are a few pics of my work ranging from budget friendly to extravagant


Those are very nice! A marketplace is something I think will get here eventually. There are things like #steemgigs and #steemshop that I've run across but not used much yet. (Shameless plug ahead) You can also come to the new and post things in the swap-meet page too! See my newest post for info on that. :-)

After doing alittle more researrch on peerhub man; it looks like you can make a seller's account and take Steem$ as a form of payment! I'll keep looking into it! But I'd use some steem$ to get a nice sheath off of you for sure brother! Actually you don't even have to make a "Seller's" account. It works kind of like craigslist but with Steem as a currency! :)

Those look very nice, looking forward to some type of marketplace here.

There is one marketplace that you can use STEEM or SBD. But it is called I do not know if there are any others so far but I was filled in on a place called openbazaar that accepts crypto. But of course that would involve changing your steem to bitcoin before you purchase from them. I don't know if you can sell products on peerhub but it is definitely possible on openbazaar. @artedellavita filled me in on openbazaar. I hope you like this place man!