To be quite honest, there will always be future announcements, because I intend to share what we're doing here as much as possible. But that must be digestible, or what's the point? So it will always come in stages, in phases, if I can help it.
For example, I could give you an essay on the necessity of communities, on our current challenges with communities, on what kinds of communities are most likely to help Steemit grow, on how to reach those communities, on how to overcome the concerns of those communities, and how to organize the effort to actually pull on those communities... but what would be the point? Few would read it, and fewer still could act to solve the problems... or I could present the overview, and slowly dive deeper into each individual challenge, so by the end you know exactly what our challenges are, and what we're doing to solve them.
For example, we don't even have a central place to post marketing ideas, or proposals, or to coordinate our time and energy for those proposals once we agree we should be doing them.
So I'm focusing on laying the foundation. And that's going to take time, because we're building this to last beyond today, or tomorrow, or next month. We need a coordination system that can scale with growth. Because ideas, while great, are cheap, and implementation is very expensive.
I'm doing the implementation now, so everyone else can share the great ideas. Please bear with me while I lay this foundation.