I'm surprised this awesome post didn't generate more revenue for you. I loved all of your tips and can see that you know your marketing stuff! Have you ever guest posted on Steemit before? If so, how do I contact other steemit people aside from leaving a comment? I'm going to read Kim Roach's article that you linked to now. Thanks again.
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Thank you for the support, Sarah. I just posted about why 95% of Steemit Blogs are Doomed to Fail Before they Even Start. It's becoming increasingly difficult for minnows to let their words be heard. I think the best thing to do right now is to promote high quality posts while ignoring the amount of money/upvotes posts get. I know that someday SteemRocket will get it's big break. But as for now, the best thing we can do is spread the word.
Thanks again, Sarah :)