Steemit Needs a New Slogan

in #marketing8 years ago


I don't know about you, but Come for the rewards, Stay for the community just doesn't sound very exciting to me.

It gives me the impression that I'm not going to get what I want.

A more accurate use of this slogan would be Join the community. Get the rewards. That, to me, feels a little more exciting.

But if we're talking about marketing, and there has been quite a bit of talk about marketing around here lately, shouldn't we be using a slogan with more power? Something that captures people's attention and embeds itself in their subconscious? Something that makes people think they have found a product that will improve their lives?

Of course we should.


When I first joined Steemit in August of last year, I thought I had joined a content sharing blogging platform, a place for article and editorial-like content. Now, though, I feel that Steemit is becoming more and more a place where any content has a chance at being appreciated and rewarded: art, music, comics, education, technology, medicine, science, news, hobby, cooking, personal ramblings, etc.

This platform is highly open and customizable. And the more members it has, the more I think it will diversify.

That's why, more and more, I am seeing Steemit as a platform that gives individuals the power to be just that, to be individuals. It rewards them for living their daily lives and, as you all know, it incentivizes them to pursue their hobbies, interests, and dreams.

It rewards YOU for being YOU!

Now that is exciting! And the way Steemit rewards you is pretty unique.

To me, this is Steemit's selling point, and I think it should absolutely be included in Steemit's slogan.


Some of you may say that we don't need just one slogan, and I won't dispute that, there may very well be room for a variety of slogans, especially considering that there are a variety of platforms using Steem in separate and unique geographic regions.

That said, I have to agree with the ideas @stephenkendal displayed in this post CROWDSOURCED MARKETING: Marketing Initiative (Part 5). Building your Brand..!. Consistency, a strong motto, regular promotion, and engagement are key.

Agreeing on one strong slogan to represent Steemit is very important. Secondary slogans will be great to have too, but to begin with, let's choose one powerful slogan to sell the power of this platform to the masses.


I've thought of five possible ideas here. Two of them have been used elsewhere before but don't appear to be copyrighted. I'm sure all of you have great ideas as well.

In the comments of this post, please tell me which of these slogans appeals to you. Or, if you have a another idea, please post that in the comments as well.

Let's take these slogans to the Steemit marketing team and power this platform up so that we can bring it to the masses!


Image Credits: Silhouette, Thinking Pose, Skateboarder, Photographer, Yoga


"Come for the rewards . . . stay for the fights."

Come on. It's not so bad. Or it is?

Hahaha, this is so not bad in itself. It makes steemit more of a real-life world, which indeed is what makes steemit endearing!

Fantastic- "Get paid to be you" is my fav!

@boxcarblue I second the motion with @daveks!

It's quite good. One day I want to see it on an ad banner at the top of reddit :D

Be human.

Just do it :P

Thing is, marketing can be liquid and is made possible by the different internal crowds interacting with external crowds.

That makes sense. I want to do more of that interacting, but want to do so in a way that is consistent with what is already happening. I think having one or more consistent slogans is a good way to reach out to other audiences.


Of all these.. "It pays to be you" is my favorite.

"Your voice is worth something" is another one floating around. :)

I like that one too. When I Googled it, though, it showed a connection to a Twitter campaign. But, like I said, I don't think it's copyrighted.

Invest in your story

This one is a joke: Your voice goes up in steem. ;)

I'm glad to see this discussion is happening. Upvoted.

I'd throw my vote to something like "Reward Everything" or "Create, Curate, Reward".

For a slogan, I'm trying to call out to potential users as quickly as possible by sharing the underlying function of the tool, as in what you'll be doing.

Thanks for chiming in.

Create, Curate, Reward is nice and simple. I like that. Though it sounds a little one-sided, like you, the user, would be doing all the work-creating, curating, and rewarding others.

I think "Creation, Curation, Rewards" might be more apt. I could see that being a catchphrase that went alongside or beneath the Steem logo.

I can also imagine that pairing well with some of the slogans mentioned in this post. For example,

It pays to be you.

Steemit: creation, curation, rewards

Or, I can picture an ad campaign that used those words separately. Pairing images with the word Creation and the Steemit logo, other images with Curation and the Steemit logo, and yet other images with Rewards and, of course, the logo.

There are a lot of possibilities. Do you have any suggestions about where to go from here?

I'll try to think of some other catchphrases that might work to highlight the tools of the platform.

I'd say take it to a community poll. Quantify what people think.

It's also worth noting that a slogan for Steem doesn't have to be one for Steemit, and vice versa. They are different from each other, so there are options.

Also, I'm not personally a big fan of the 'it pays to be you' perspective, because that's not what Steem or Steemit is really about. It's about distributing the rewards of the attention economy, and I think that too strong a focus on 'you' could backfire. This coming from a former copywriter, so that's saying something.

I can see the problems that this slogan brings with it, especially by using the word pay, but in my mind it doesn't explicitly say you will be paid, it sounds more motivational to me. You can be who you are and contribute. You can work with the things that are already around you and create, etc.

When I wrote this, I was thinking about Steemit, not Steem, but they could both use good slogans and catch phrases. You're absolutely right. I'll look into creating a poll.

For now, though, what are your thoughts on users creating their own slogans like this and using them to promote Steemit and the other Steem platforms? Will that potentially cause more harm than good? Is it better to wait for a few community backed slogans to be agreed upon?

I'm fine with people doing what they want. Some awareness is better than no awareness.

My vote is on "It Pays To Be You", short, catchy and it encompasses all the point that makes Steemit Steemit.

I'd usually do things with the end in mind. That said, I can see that one say in the future, it's possible that the community and network size of Steemit in on itself has a selling point greater than the chance of being paid, once we've reached a critical point in usebase size.

That is why I think we shouldnt explicitly mention "rewards" as the first thing a new user sees. It has to be implicit. We don't flaunt payment like any regular ptc or ptd sites. But it's there.

I like that one a lot too. It's been used elsewhere, though, so that might be a problem. I also wonder if using the word pay is accurate. I'm torn between using rewards and pay.

Maybe we can try. "It's rewarding to be You"?

That doesn't quite have the same effect, does it? In this sense, I like pay better.

I agree, it sounds different and "reward" doesn't imply the payment as good as the work "pay".

I did a Google search and didn't really find anyone who took up the slogan. I think we really can go for it.

"It pays to be you"

Simple, direct, and all encompassing.

Let's see what happens.

I've been considering this lately too, and made a post about it last night.

The best I could come up with is:

Don't waste your time online, invest it at


Don't waste your time on social media, invest it at

@daveks gave me the link to your post. I like the way you think!

@daveks is good like that:)

Thanks for contributing. I think this is the first time we've exchanged comments. I'm happy to have finally crossed paths with you.

I like both of your suggestions. I wonder if they couldn't just be shortened to Invest your time. Steemit

Or Invest your time at/with Steemit.

Taking the investment idea and running with it, you could also say, Your time is worth something. Or, Your time is worth something to us here on the Steem blockchain.

Keep the ideas coming!

Hey, that sounds pretty good!

Invest your time wisely -

Yes, nice to finally meet you! Just clicked follow.

Keep the inspirational ideas coming and invest your time wisely!

Thanks! Will do! And am returning the favor. I don't know why it's taken me so long to follow papa-pepper. Just one of those things, I guess.

I think I know which one you'll choose. Please take a second to vote on it, though, if you can.

.I like this one....."Join the community. Get the rewards. " much more accurate!

I'm guessing I know which one you'll pick, but if you don't mind, will you cast a vote here?

I think that one's very fitting too. I'll pair it up with a picture this week. Maybe adding Steem to it would be good too. That way it could speak for all the platforms based on the Steem blockchain.

Join the Steem community. Get the rewards.

I like how rewards can mean make new friends, get feedback, meet new clients, collect Steem, etc.

As a new user, I disagree that we need a new slogan. I think we need a new description. Ironically, I think marketing value will be derived from downplaying the rewards and block-chain element and focusing on the many potential outcomes and how people interact with it - namely the value of being able to promote your own content globally and the value of finding high quality content. Like facebook but not boring. Like facebook but meaningful. Like facebook but instead of collapsing your social circle to people you know, connecting with people who have similar interests that you don't know.

I disagree with using a slogan. It is non-inclusive and turns people off. Its hard to imagine all the value of steem in one slogan that has any real meaning.

My question to all users would be..

Solely apart from rewards - What do you like about Steem?

My answer is the quirky unusual posts people make and the unusual connections people are making.

A question I pose here:

You're the second person to voice the opinion that a slogan isn't necessary. I'm really curious about the thinking behind this opinion.

You listed some reasons in your comment, but one of them was that Steemit needs a new description, which, to me, is essentially a slogan.

Apple has a slogan. Facebook has a slogan. Twitter has a slogan. Uber has, or had, a slogan. Without slogans, how do you promote a product?

It may be challenging to think of the right slogan/description for Steemit and the other Steem platforms, but I still think it's important.

Sorry. I didn't answer your question. I'll try to later.

Well, it's a gut reaction.

I'm not a marketing expert - I googled if Facebook had a slogan and I find support that it has more of a catchphrase. I'm not sure I could tell the difference.

Rather than get into a marketing debate (which for products with a centralised element could be interesting) - I'm actually saying more like: do you know what the product is? do users know what the product is? do you know what ethos users ascribe to the product?

Linking rewards to the slogan, doesn't seem to tap into what could be a massive user market. In the question I link, the real value of steemit appears to be a new way of organising personalised content and connecting with people and being creative - talk about a valueable product.

I feel like Steemit isn't evolved enough to get that much mileage out of a slogan yet - or perhaps a interim slogan for investors is just what it needs to get kick started.

I'm not a marketing expert either, and I have no idea what the real difference between a catchphrase and a slogan are. Maybe it's worth researching before I do a follow up post.

You make some great points about what the product is or may be, and you're absolutely right that it will change and develop over time.

Different users will have different perspectives.

I think you should try to write some slogans/descriptions that encapsulate what Steemit is for you. For me, I see it as a platform that can empower individuals by connecting them to an audience and rewarding them for doing what they are interested in. Of course there are other applications and way Steem can be used, but I am beginning to feel that Steemit is a platform like I just described.

If you come up with some slogan/description ideas, share them here. (I know you said you don't think they are necessary, but in case you change your mind.)

these are some really great ones! nice work!:)

Thanks! I'm not very good at arranging text on pictures and doing design, but I figured I'd put some ideas out there. I can see a campaign of images coupled with a solid slogan really helping to entice new users.

Stay for the community is possibly the worst slogan ever. WHY?
Communities can be good or bad, ours like most are mixed.
So, what would you like in a "good community? " Friends? Fairness? Helpfulness? Who knows, I don't.
SteemIt - We invest in your story

We invest in your story is interesting. I wonder if invest is the right word, though. Maybe something like Your audience is waiting. would keep your idea going but be more streamlined. Or, Your story matters. Steemit: the place where your audience awaits.

In a good community? Support, acceptance, willingness to communicate, openness.

I really like, "It pays to be you"

Do you mind voting again here? There are 26 slogans to choose from. Thanks!

”Don’t waste your time on social media, invest it at”

That's nice. What if we shortened it to make it more punchy: Don't waste your time. Invest it! Steemit logo here.

My suggestion is "Get connected ..Get Paid ".

What do you think about: Make connections that pay. Or, Make the connections that pay. Or even, Connections that pay.

I think first is good : "Make connection that pay "

This makes me wonder, get connected to what? Could this be more clear? More concise? I'm thinking. Thanks for the suggestion!

I think we can use Steemit as a social media platform to be connected with all steemians and friends. Its just a suggestion, yeah I agree with you its a little bit unclear. Thanks for the comments dear @boxcarblue !

I think we can too:)


All the cheesey slogans have to go. They're dumb.

All of them? I don't think they're all dumb. What do suggest as an alternative? If you have a post about, send me the link.

Some good thinking here! "Do what you do and get rewards" rings for me

Thanks for the feedback. How do you feel about Do what you do. Reap the rewards. ?

Do you mind voting on a slogan one more time? I'm taking a poll.

Sure! My 2 favs are:

  • Do what you do. Reap the rewards.
  • The Shape Of Things To Come (could be used as a sub-heading or an another option since we can probably have several phrases we use at different times.

whoops sorry I didn't see the link to the survey until now, I'll go over there and vote

i will go with "Get reward when you have something Tangible"......@boxcarblue can you follow back pls?

I can do that.

@boxcarblue I love this slogan! Get paid to be you! Could we use some of these links to share on Facebook and other platforms?

I want take a poll and then make some more advertisements like in this post. I will post the links for everyone to use after the poll is taken. Do you mind casting a vote in the poll?

I'm glad you like it. I'd be happy to share the links to these. Let me see if I can get some more opinions on whether marketing from the ground up like this is something we should pursue or if it's better to wait until we have some agreed upon slogans/catchphrases to work with.

Что-то я пока не ощутил никаких денег..((

возможно когда-нибудь:)

good posting... voted and followed...^^

Thank you!

I will be participating soon!

Looking forward to it!

Here are 1 more quickly before i forget:
Get rewarded for reshaping the Internet!

A home away from the rest of the internet!

The new internet!

A social community of equals.

Be you! Be seen! Earn!

Be your boss! Build An Empire! Create Influence!

Fall in love with the web all over again!

Creating Valuable Content Pays!

The internet is queen. Steemit is King!

Just keeping these here for now. I will come up with more!

Thank you for contributing! I need more time to take all of these in.

Read their entire first page - its the dumbest thing I've ever read.

" Steem is a form of esteem, which means to prize or value. Steem is also a homophone for steam, which is frequently associated with power, and a step further, steam powered trains gave influence to English idioms, such as ‘this conversation is picking up steam.’ The associations with prizing, language and empowerment only felt right."

Steem is a form of esteem? what? no its not? steem isn't a real word.
Steem is a homophone for steam which is a word frequently associated with power? like WTFFFF dumbest thing I've ever read. how is that even slightly relevant or widely known. sounds like its written by a Chinese 8th grader in their English 101 class. And then the lovely little kindergarten lesson about idioms? more like IDIOTS. but I tried to bring it up and some dumb hick came at me out of nowhere and he clearly was uneducated but I guess loud mouth anime freaks win out in the world of crypto currency

That may be, but it's still what we've got so we have to find a way to work with it. Got any ideas?

I actually really like Come for the rewards, stay for the community.

I need to put that one on the poll, as well as quite a few others. I'm going to try doing this again through Steem Poll because I've found/collected a lot of other great suggestions.

That is a good one. I feel like it could be followed up by something, though, to give it a little more effect and relevance. Maybe not, though.