Maybe f I helped open the doors like you do I would start at the other end, but most times when I go its early enough o be not to busy and late enough that the initial rush has been and gone :)
I used to do the every aisle thing looking for new things but nowadays I normally go tow or three times a week to have fresh, and just go tot he aisles where i need things
That is exactly right!!! I don't eat the junk I used to and it makes it easier to make a dash in and buy fresh unless it is one of those I need everything kind of shopping weeks.
Yes, it is rare nowadays to help open the doors, but, it does happen and yes! I am a creature of late so the crowds have dispersed. I also am patient, so I am never in a real rush when I am there.
You know... slow down, you move too fast. You gotta make the shopping last ! Ha! Oh, yeah, it's going to be one of those days.
Me to I hate the feeling of rushing so I generally always allow myself much more time thanks ever needed so I can just go as quick or s slow as my mood takes me
LOL good use of these lyrics, Have a great day