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RE: Market Friday Goes to the Air Show - Part One

in #marketfriday6 years ago

I remember going to airshow as a kid! Loved it!
Here is my usual trek around the market, today you'll see Minty's sister

Posted using Partiko Android


That's so funny that you should say that! There are so many people that remember that your shows from when they were kids, and I was wondering if it's because they have less of them now or that people just don't go to those things anymore. It was a wonderful show and the pilots were amazing with their level of skill and expertise. I'm so glad I got a chance to go and to meet these young men and women. It was a great opportunity.

Thank you for taking me through the markets again and I especially am looking forward to meeting minty. It is with great pleasure that I must say that it is because of people like yourself that I have succeeded in keeping Market Friday alive. So thank you and I wish you a most wonderful weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you


Thank you! There probably are less airshows, and not sure if it appeals to everyone. People aren't as amazed by flying as they were when I was as a kid. You hardly ever see or hear excited kids at airports watching planes take off these days

Posted using Partiko Android

Isn't that a little sad, in so many ways? I wouldn't let my kids have handheld stuff when they were young. They needed to be outside and playing like KIDS, getting the wow out of Mother Nature instead. Going to watch a bill be passed all the way... we do live in Washington, DC... so might as well use the fun... and going to the airport. Yes!!! I did it and we watched planes for hours, talking about areospace and enginering and how it doesn't fall out of the sky.

Parents have taken the wow out of childhood. I mean it. I still get wowed by the sighting of the first firefly.


Thanks for the fun today!

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