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RE: Market Friday Goes Net Zero

in #marketfriday5 years ago

Well, you know we do what we can to make Market Friday a little more interesting or at least you don't want to see my market every single week because mine is pretty boring as compared to going to a lot of those open air! And well I do have those it's winter here and most of those have closed up and blown away for the season. I have going to enough of those House and Garden shows in the area to talk with Builders and prices and to tell you the truth nowadays, Building green is only about 15% more then a regular house. That is where they are using 4 by 8 instead of two by fours and the like. Bigger stronger more durable. I know that the solar panels are expensive but they have come way down and prices from where they used to be so given the fact that as an American will use more electricity than our other-worldly counterparts, that right there who would be A+. It's still only in the dreaming and scheming stages, but it is being worked on and I do believe I might have hit upon the perfect piece of property. So of course, don't let me stand in your way with the pigs and cows, but as for me I'm going to build the barn underneath and let them live there and throw their heat upstairs to me. LOL oh my God he actually had me rolling on the floor with that one. Have a great day and thanks for stopping by and leaving your $0.15.

#MarketFriday loves you!
