Haha! That is pretty unfair, isn't it? :) They do happen to serve some pretty awesome dinners and lunches and breakfasts... Oh, it is all good. Nothing wrong with a little bit of being spoiled, even if it is only for a moment or two.
How are you and is that baby getting closer to coming? I think you said summer, though, right? Have you and the little lady gotten any closer to being friends civil to one another? I hope she can see the error of her ways. Oh! Boy or girl???
I love getting your always eclectic and wonderful posts. Thanks for dropping the link! Kiss South Africa for me!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hey my friend ... well I decided if I need peace as my landlord says do you want to be right or do you want peace? So basically i pay and comply to her every demand albeit mistakes.. She screws up and still blames me.. such a joke. None the less if i cant change the situation, change my attitude towards it and I have!
Hes a boy and he is here in 3- 4 weeks my last post I posted pics of his scan... x x
Lovies x x x
PS thanks again for the love support and tip mwah