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RE: The Globalists, the Bolsheviks, Tsar Nicholas II and His Gold.

in #market7 years ago

Interesting historical facts, video was worth watching. Regarding you thoughts on Russia not being communist: I think from my experience watching from the outside and the experiences and opinions i hear from those i have spoken to on the inside is that like China, Russia understands that western capitalism has risen more people above the poverty line than any communist government recorded therefore has adopted policy's which are fundamentally capitalist. However the ideology has remained communist. An example supporting your point might be the ability to own private rather than personal property in Russia, although freedom of speech issues would be a example to discredit it (ironically questionable in the west now). I would note comparing Russia to China is perhaps counter productive as they are very different places. I just find it interesting how they are perceived in the eyes of the western layman such as myself.