After hearing all the hullabaloo recently about net neutrality being so great and necessary to protect the internet, I thought I would say a few words about it.

No really! Bear with me here. ..
Back when net neutrality rules were first proposed in the mid aughts there's only been one very minor case of a company abusing its ability to prioritize some data over others.
Now that the spotlight is on them, they will be very reluctant to outrage the public.
But because of fear mongering by politicians who I suspect wanted a back door way to control the internet, net neutrality was proposed. Here's the catch:
net neutrality would require a massive increase in government regulation of, and therefore control of, the people who provide access for us to use the internet!!!
It's something to do with the Federal Communications Commission designating an ISP as a tier 2 telecommunications provider instead of their current tier, if you've ever noticed how cable television in America is so heavily censored imagine if the internet was regulated at exactly the same tier!
Ironically big corporations like Google were in favor of net neutrality because with more burdensome regulations comes the higher barrier to entry for people who might dare to compete with Google and other major corporations already established in the internet access Marketplace.
That's right, net neutrality would make it harder for entrepreneurs to compete with the big corporations and offer consumers any alternatives.
now I think that all this hullabaloo is misdirected, because net neutrality is simply a way for politicians to take over our internet while claiming to protect it.
And it's ironic that you don't find anyone complaining about websites prioritizing access to data via their app. Reddit I'm pointing at you here!
They and Tumblr openly advertised the app being at least 50% faster than using a browser. Do you really think it just happens to be better optimized? Or maybe they're doing the very thing that net neutrality Advocates are afraid of.
I use a f****** browser so that I don't have to install a million apps to access the content I want. Yet you won't find a single damn net-neutrality Advocate complaining about this.
No, all they do is scream and cry when Ajit Pai the head of the FCC decides to allow a free market for internet access.
Live Free or Die, Guys.