Don't Let the Prospect of Financial Collapse Scare You.

in #market7 years ago (edited)

In this report I talk about the term Ice Nine used by Jim Rickards, I go over my experiences of monetary mayhem and financial collapse in Brazil and I look at how one hedges against counter party risk.


great one dude upvoted and will always upvote i appreciate your hard work cheers <3

Enjoyed hearing about the story about growing up in Brazil. It is amazing how much our childhood affect our perspectives.

Currency collapse in Brazil. All bank were closed when your uncle went to bank, I listen your video. Can you please tell me what was the main reason of currency collapse in Brazil?

Money printing and loss of confidence in the currency is always the cause of currency collapse. The Fed, ECB, BoJ, SNB and BoE have been doing the same for the last ten years but confidence has not been lost yet as they are all printing together but when a country prints while others don't it is much harder to keep the game going for too long. My uncle actually got lucky as he bought a property and the contract was exchanged the day before the collapse so instead of losing his money that had been in the bank he actually had a real estate asset/house .

Thanks a lot for your detailed answer. I have no words for thanks.

Basically what you are saying do not put all your eggs in on basket.

yup ... read the book ... The Road To Ruin by James Rickards ... pretty scary but i'm ready ... well as ready as i can ... upvoted

Venezuela is experiencing a collapse of the whole economy, not only a currency collapse.

@nenio A modern indirect exchange economy cannot function without a properly running currency.