It will be at $500 billion for all crypto currency bitcoin plus altcoins
but we need to get to 1 TRILLION to fullly replace the US dollar money supply of US dollars..and 10 trillion to fully replace the fiat paper money supply of the world (US dollar plus Euro and Yen and yuan etc) and so that mighttake a few more years but not long! And we can ahve a multi coin multipolar world with bitcoin being teh one world curreency but ripple and steller used for banks and ethereum used for more super compters tasks etc, Youtube will use ethereum type systems and siacoin or storjcoin type systems to basiclay host the vudeo files in a decetralzied model to ave youube money.....and alll these bitcoin miners can be put t AMAZINg use after the last bitcon is mined etc...they can ssitwhc all the bitcoin mining rgs to lmine etherem and end up with teh worlds largest super computer!
But ya we need at least $1 trillion to have a US dollar recal where the us goverm3nt would buy every ddollar and give people bitcoin to use,...US economy and us BTCOIN as teh dollar would stop teh infation! economy will BOOM wiith bitcoin as the new NON inflationary world crrency!