Never trust another stoned person while your high

in #marijuana8 years ago


So, there will come a time to a stoner where you just smoked but for some reason you need to go somewhere soon and need to not smell like weed. Here is one of these moments for me. So, I was supposed to be off work one day. So, I decided to call up my friend and hotbox my car somewhere and drive back home and play some Call of Duty. Well, we did smoke 2 blunts and got halfway home when my job called me. I know. I was freaking out too. I answer trying to sound as sober as possible and of course, I got called into work. So, I drive my friend to his house, but before he got out the car I asked him if I looked high or smelled like weed. To those questions he answered no. Like a dumb ass I believed him and drove to work. I walked in and was immediately greeted with weird looks, and I knew I was fucked. So I walk closer knowing I'm screwed, and my manager says "Hey you look out of it, did you take something?" I thought for what felt like a minute and finally answered "No I stayed up all night thinking I didn't have work." Luckily they believed that and let me go, but never trust anything someone else stoned tells you while your stoned.