Applications to Become Registered Under the Controlled Substance s Act to Manufacture Marijuana to Supply Researchers in the United States
Here is the summary from the press release:
"To facilitate research involving marijuana and its chemical constituents, DEA is adopting a new policy that is designed to increase the number of entities registered under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) to grow (manufacture) marijuana to supply legitimate researchers in the United States. This policy statement explains how the DEA will evaluate applications for such registration consistent with the CSA and the obligations of the United States under the applicable international drug control treaty."
This action will provde marijuana for reaserachers hoping to do reasearch on the plant.
Here is a link to the full release:

Interesting...I wonder if they'll do the same for LSD. There was a fair bit of research using it until the paths were chopped off in 1966 when it was criminalized.
Great, I bet they are going to genetically modify it :(