This is what you need know before you smoke weed

in #marijuana8 years ago

I wanted to give you guys my top 10 things that you should know before you smoke weed okay 

So this is not for you like senior potheads out there and nobody talking to you right.N ow you can just be

quiet and agree with me

This is for all you little people who have never smoked weed before ever and are considering it senior potheads. You should totally send this blog to these friends that you're trying to get high.

It's gonna be great all right, here we go don't you think start with someone here we go number. What up you need to know what it is that you're smoking. Because it's not just weed and it's the one thing they're literally like thousands of different strains. 

I could definitely not named all of them to you at all but the one specific thing that you really need to pay attention to is there are three subcategories up wheat. And they are this sativa indica and hybrid and i'm going to go over each of those things really fast with your number one city of it's kind of like a brain hi you get your


I space

I can do a sativa and go like jogging orclean my house or still use my body into cut number 2 little bit of the opposite kind of a couch we'd kind of like a chill out chill zone body down. We are not going to get like a lot of energy from this kind of a week. 

It's just thatthere and number three, you have hybrid which is both of the things combined. They make me sleepy and excited at the same time every time is going to affect every different person differently. So make sure you give each of those different types and opportunity. But i always recommend for your first time smoking we

doing and good old city that just because that's the kind of headspace high that you want that's the kind of

dude what are we talking about that's that high number to a little bit goes a long way especially

if you've never had weed before don't go running for the biggest fucking bong, that you can find us suck up in one big fucking, go find yourself a nice little pipe or maybe get a little joint rolled take a few puffs a few

that means SI hai yaar see how you're doing take more if you want or just chillin your high firm

It ok you can definitely have more not saying don't have more 

I'm just saying pace yourself a little bit goes a long way eating weed is not the same thing as smoking it

It's edibles tend to have like a totally different kind of high they take a while to kick in but they hit you really

looking hard. So if you would rather eat a pot brownie  than smoke a joint to try it for the first time 

I recommend you don't make any plans other than sitting on your couch and watching orange is the new

black for the next six hours. Because you're really not gonna want to go to anything

One time we did like three brownies and then we want a fucking hiking trip and that was like stupid that was the dumbest fucking idea. Because it couldn't normally up each little individual buggin rock 

ah number 41 that's eight who are you smoking with no, but seriously find a trustworthy friends smoke was for the first time especially. Somebody who knows what they're doing can be a godsend you don't want to be

sitting in a room full of idiots getting high. And then suddenly realized is one of these people act smarter number five. You gotta cough to get off ok it's not embarrassing to sit there coughing if nobody else is doing it the may have fucking mutant lungs and fuck them like off. Get over it number six store terminology, there's a lot of it

I'm not even gonna go through that right now, with you but if you hear somebody be like you do this bowl is so cute doll and you don't know what that means just ask them. They'll generally like explain the whole thing to you like the whole thing .They're nice they're nice people stoners right number 7 know your laws okay. Because every state has different regulations. When it comes to marijuana, so if you're living in a place where marijuana is illegal ,you need to make sure that you ,you'll be totally fine is totally fine. Okay

All right number eight where are you moking because we'd stinks smells really bad. So prepare yourself for that

so you need to be in like a well-ventilated area 

 I don't like people who tried one to have a bad experience especially cuz they're around a bunch of

idiots and they never tried again. You should always try things twice unless it's math or acid only ones for

those. And number ten finally just chill dude because if you're not in the space to have a great time and to experience a really fun new thing you're not gonna

have fun