Family and social relations: My son smokes cannabis, how to react? I'm lost !

in #marijuana8 years ago

I read a lot of stories on here but this time it's my turn to ask you for help please. I live in France. I am divorced and I live alone with my son who is 15 years old in a few days (his dad died there 1 year). I just found out that he smoked cannabis! I do not tell you when I saw his head this afternoon when he came back, I knew he smoked hashish (I never touched it and I do not smoke but I know people who smoke it) What should I do? He denied. He said he just was a fight and fled. In fact, he made ​​several scenarios, but I did not believe him. He was among KO KO. He would eat anything. I never searched his pockets but I did today and found a small bag where there cannabis + paper to wrap hashish (I do not know what to call it). I wanted to take him to the police but I said no it's my son. I tried to learn a little more about what had happened. He told me that a friend of his (I do not know) that gave him that. I phoned the boyfriend (I found his phone no. On the laptop of my son) asked him whether he told the truth I go to the police and also call his parents. So the boyfriend in question told me that he gave it but free to oblige. I did not believe it either because the boyfriend is not given free cannabis without consideration. I am lost. Tell me please, what should I do !!! Even in high school, it does not work the notes are catastrophic. Yet it is a boy who has the ability to work. I do not understand what goes through his head! I do not know what he wants since + has everything to be happy


To put things in perspective, here in the US a parent might have a similar reaction to catching their kid drunk. Yet you have probably been giving your kid wine with dinner every night, right? (Based on the little I know of France.)

Most of the problems with alcohol, and marijuana, are really caused by societal disapproval of them. In the US a kid can get in a lot of trouble for either (though much more for pot) while actually using alcohol or pot has little or no harmful effects.

So, definitely don't call the cops. That could do far more harm to his future than the actual marijuana.

This is a very pro-marijuana website, so I'd say do some research here as well as elsewhere to find out what the real risks of pot are. Then talk to your son, make sure he at least knows it's illegal and getting caught by police could cause serious problems. Other than that, you'll need to form your own opinion as to whether or not it's really OK.

Tell him that everything in life is good as long as you dont abuse it, alcohol for example can become a very dangerous drug if you abuse it, that doesn't stop anyone from drinking occasionally, explain to him that if he smokes too much he wont appreciate it as much and might lose drive and interest in life. If you scream at each other its not going to work, you need to calmly explain things.
Cannabis is not that bad, I used to smoke everyday when between 16 to 23 years old and i don't think it really had a negative impact on my life, at 23 i stopped eventually cuz i got bored of it really and realized that cannabis don't bring anything positive anymore to me. Also explain to him that he should avoid hard drugs, maybe show him some pictures of addicted people that went really bad. Communication is key, if you just shout at him and tell him that you are against it it is never going to work.