For too long now they have fought this war on the American people! With marijuana being legal in nine different states including Washington DC, I can't help but feel the laws do not apply to us all equally or fairly! It's funny, Washington DC legalized marijuana right away, but they don't drug test people in positions of power like congressman and senators! We have one group of people in this country that can smoke freely, and another group of people that get locked in a cage for it!
A recent Gallup poll was taken in October 2017, and found that 65 percent of Americans favor Nationwide legalization. This is the highest percentage of support for legalizing marijuana since 1969! Pre-employment testing is no longer worth the expense in a society increasingly accepting of Cannabis use. In addition to helping ease the unemployment rate, employers can hire the best, theoretically most-productive workers, instead of rejecting people based on their recreational habits.
A lot of domestic companies lose out to foreign competitors for the simple fact, they don't want to hire someone with marijuana in their system! It's always boggled my mind how an employer won't hire someone because of dirty marijuana UA, but they dont even think twice about meth addicts or people addicted to opiates, because of how quickly those drugs go through your system! What about those people that only partake on the weekends, when they are off work!? Most companies these days get a discount on health-care when they have a drug free workplace, so once again greed, is violating our rights! I feel that our entire system needs to re-evaluate its drug-testing policy to attract the best candidates, and reduce the unemployment rate and freeloaders! Our country has been divided long enough, so legalizing marijuana Nationwide on the federal level would be one step closer to equal rights for everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read my article, hopefully you walk away with a positive aspect on legalization!! Have a great day everyone and be safe!
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