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RE: High On Dispensaries #1 - A Letter to First-Timers

in #marijuana8 years ago

Unfortunately for me, i live in Pa.
By Far one of the MOST Draconian States in the Nation..
Most stoners were all excited about getting medical in Pa.
i knew it would be the WORST medical program in the Country ...
and it is...
That's why they pushed it through so quick;
it actually prevents further progress...
Pa. boasts a spot as one of the Top 5 States in revolving door politics;
it has no spine, and consistently panders to Federal intervention..
It is a Federal state..
we want to move,
but have to get out of debt and sell our house 1st..


Thanks for sharing :)
Sorry for the Pennsylvania trouble. I understand. About 7 years ago I moved from Kansas. Pretty similar to PA, except they would NEVER accept medical. As for the regulations, I'll bet they'll come along eventually. CO does really have it together, better than most states, from what I've heard.

Did you buy property or rent...? i heard tell, homes are pretty expensive in CO

We rent. Our landlord's trying to get us to buy the house that we've been renting for the last five years, but he wants way too much. I figure once the crypto-haul comes in maybe I can think about being a homeowner. ;)

It's pretty expensive to live here. Cost of living is pretty high, and outside cannabis, there's not much work.

We're thinking Colorado or Maine... the thing about Maine is you can still get Land for $500+ to $1,000 an acre... Also legal there; 6 mature plants per adult in the household, 12 in veg, unlimited seedlings.. and there is already a strong Homesteading Tradition... Following you...

Good luck with the debt and the house! Hopefully Steemit will help us all with that kind of stuff.

Thanks... We'll be out of debt by next summer... Don't know how long it will take to sell the house; but i'll do owner financing; so it should sell pretty quick, with the way banks are today...