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RE: My subjective Review Of the effects of Marijuana and why I Like It

in #marijuana9 years ago

Cannabis (my preferred term) is an amazing, consciousness-enhancing plant. The synergy it has with humans (mammals and likely other organisms) is either an incredible coincidence or some amazing evidence of potentially deep co-evolution. I strongly believe Cannabis has helped me manage and stay completely off prescriptions for my Bi-Polar disorder. It has been a tremendous ally in being active, enjoying the outdoors and losing weight (stereotypes dude). It has enhanced my social relationships (with others who partake and otherwise). Cannabis even enhances my creativity and can be a delight to work with (I'm a software developer). On top of all that it has the relaxing effects of an intoxicant but instead of poisoning (cough booze) the body of medical evidence is now showing it overwhelmingly helps the body, fights all manner of chronic and degenerative disease and basically makes being human a bit better ;)