Negative health effects of marijuana

in #marijuana8 years ago

There are some negative health effects of marijuana. The primary negative is the potential for the marijuana anxiety to strike. This condition is similar to regular anxiety, although it is caused by the use of marijuana.

The other concerns include the potential for the reduced judgment abilities of the user. This means that the user may feel that it is acceptable to take risks that he or she would otherwise not take, including driving while under the influence. The other concern is that people who do not have mal-absorption conditions may increase their weight considerable. This can then cause the marijuana user to experience heart risks, high blood pressure and heart concerns.

The other concern regarding the health effects of marijuana are regarding those who do not need marijuana for their conditions but decide to use the drug regardless. The marijuana has been connected to the development of cancer. The cancers that have been associated with marijuana use include throat cancer and lung cancer. There is also the potential for the user to experience an increased potential for infection because it can depress the immune system which is located in the intestines. These negative concerns are what keep the marijuana off the legal listing of drugs such as caffeine and alcohol.

The genetic engineering that is occurring with the marijuana is working to make the marijuana safer for medicinal practices. The genetic marijuana alterations work to reduce the anxiety and other potentially harmful health effects of marijuana. There has been no genetic development to reduce the chances of cancer though, although the developments have improved the health of the marijuana, the speed of growth and the taste of the drug.


Smoking marijuana is not for everybody and yes it can have its negative side effects. However, there are some very good benefits to it as well. Granted it is not a miracle drug that will cure cancer overnight, it does help combat some effects of cancer. The anti-cancer properties of marijuana occur naturally through nature, and can be ingested in other ways than smoking to avoid the potential of lung or throat cancer. There is no need to genetically modify anti-cancer properties into marijuana when it produces these properties by itself. Marijuana grew on this earth for a reason, and should be utilized for the benefit of those living on this planet.
One final note is that a major reason marijuana is illegal is because many saw it as a threat to commerce due to its versatility and many uses that would have put a lot of powerful people out of business. Those threatened were in the cotton and timber industries and lobbied for its ban to protect their own self-interest and corporate profits. The first American laws on marijuana required you to grow it and you could be punished if you didn’t.

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