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RE: Facing 25 years in prison and On The Run from the US Government for extracting essential oils...

in #marijuana8 years ago

why do you plead to your servants? they are acting outside their mandated purpose.
show them who their boss really is.


when you walk into court, DO NOT PASS THE GATE. stay outside their jurisdiction by refusing to board their 'ship'.
remember who you are, you are the master and they are the servant. they have ZERO authority to issue orders against you as the system is based on the consent of the governed and you have not given your consent.
remember that when you present yourself (not re-present) in a legal forum that you are the source, the principal, the grantor and the beneficiary of ANY legal action that involves you and ANY fictional entity. the only time this does not apply is in a criminal case where there is an actual victim other than you being arbitrarily aggressed by the state. as the source, principal, grantor and beneficiary, the judge must have the fiduciary obligation to protect you and act in your best interests. acting against your best interests, as can only ever truly be determined by you, is a prima facie violation of such fiduciary obligations and creates a tort scenario that you can act upon by filing a claim against the professional performance liability insurance policy that ALL members of the judiciary and law enforcement MUST possess.
you may warn him of these consequences of any action taken by you, but be VERY CAREFUL in court not to threaten him directly, as they may use it to charge you with 'influencing a public servant'.
i recommend filing a claim against ALL the arresting officers immediately and making the claims for the full amount of their PPLI.

find a wordsmith who knows what i'm talking about. they are very rare, but they are out there.