Here's to all the medical marijuana patients on steemit! Marijuana has changed my life for the better in so many ways I wouldn't no where to start. I'd like to ask what everyone's favourite marijuana dispensery (online) is in Canada. I use tweed, and I think they're great. I've used others but tweeds quality of bud is above and beyond all the others I've tried. Also, to my crypto people..what's your favourite weed coin? I know these are mostly shit coins but I've made money from them! Leave a comment below:) have a great weekend people!
Hy @markcoin, This marijuana plant is very much grown in Indonesia that is in Aceh area, in indonesia still in banned for this marijuana, unlike other countries which have in legalkan for health, but in indonesia many wrong use so that illegal and according to religion of this leaf prohibited,
Hello @mucha, medical marijuana has been legal in Canada for a few years. It will be legal for regular use this June, what an exciting time to be Canadian.