Out of money at the moment and my outdoor grow won't be ready for another few months.
(sorry for the potato quality picture)
So... I purchased some trim/shake from a buddy of mine for around ~$1 a gram or so.. Needless to say it's absolute garbage and I have to smoke more than I wish to get medicated. THC content is <1% - It tastes like (ass) it wasn't flushed properly before it was picked, and burns fast as hell and leave very white ashes.
I shouldn't complain. I'm lucky to have something to smoke.. But damn I can't wait till harvest!
Have you ever had to smoke trim/shake because you were broke? Smoking some now? Comment below!
yuck why do that to yourself just wait till the good shit
I smoke to relieve neck pain caused by scoliosis and to stabilize my moods.
Unfortunately when I go without it my quality of life is highly diminished. :/
I understand why you smoke just not understanding why you smoke that ;)
Between harvests and don't have large sums of cash laying around to buy dried flowers at the moment.
Klye art not ban in china u klye so klye ? Jd klye ?
I am JD KLYE yes. :)
Im chinese gandalf come to my blog and spare a mate upvote or i ignore you in jd haha jk :p
ah you sneaky chinese bastard.. Always trying to ninja my votes and such. :D
(jokes, you are not a bastard, I am clearly the bastard here in this situation)
Oh fuck look andu is here . jd addict all gather in your post mate :p .
Wait after 30 minutes ill upvote your post so you can get my 0.01 upvote :p better than nothing hahahahahaha
In the past... But was still very cheap and a good amount.
yeah this stuff is cheap.. But not really sure if worth it.
Andu drop by in my house(blog) i have good stash of weed there :p
Ouch man! you got my upvote !
Check me out:
Thanks man. WIll check out your article and upvote as well.
I feel your exact pain.
been there, i feel your pain. in "crunch time" between harvests we often cook edibles (chai tea with canna butter is a favorite). if you do dabs consider cleaning your rig and collecting the reclaim for use in edibles (it's STRONG). bigups for growing your own, at least you have a harvest to look forward to!