Canada Gearing Up To Legalize Marijuana!

in #marijuana8 years ago (edited)

As of today the Trudeau government now has a framework written up for the legalization and regulation of Marijuana in Canada

The Canada Marijuana Task Force has completed and submitted their proposal to the Canadian government outlining what they would like to see passed for laws and regulations in regards to marijuana possession, consumption and legality.

Some Highlights of the Proposal

(List was taken from this article and modified, no plagiarism intended )

  • Allow for the public possession of up to 30 grams of marijuana on a person.
  • Permit Canadians to grow four of their own cannabis plants at home.
  • Allow for retail sales and for indoor marijuana lounges and coffee shops.
  • Require plain packaging for marijuana that lists the THC and CBD content, the name of the strain and producer, and a warning about the possible health risks similar to tobacco products.
  • Ban most marijuana advertising, unless it will be seen only by adults, Possibly in bars.
  • Fund a public education campaign about marijuana and the possible dangers, Health Funding.
  • Allow the sale of edibles, as long as they are not deemed to be “appealing to children" or marketed towards them.
  • Discourage provinces from selling marijuana in stores that also sell tobacco or alcohol if possible.
  • Remove most criminal prohibitions for marijuana, limit prosecutions for less serious offences, and move to fines for breaking licensing or production rules.
  • Push for “graduated” penalties for driving under the influence of marijuana, ranging from fines to criminal prosecution — but also invest more seriously in studying the link between THC and impairment on driving.
  • Push for a competitive cultivation and distribution market that makes room for smaller growers, and encourages involvement of Indigenous communities.

Link to proposal:

A Framework for the Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis in Canada

Good News For My Fellow Canadian Cannabis Smokers!


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Yes, Cheetah that was the "news" site I saw this information on. I've modified the post to include a link directly to the article although the point of this article was to have people view the official government write up link at the bottom rather than the vice link. :)

edit: that link cheetah gave is a far better write up than mine..!

Damn it, cheetah! Come on!

He's just doing his part. <3 Cheetah. This article could have been a hell of a lot juicier had I spent more time on it, sure. But that link at the bottom with the actual proposal is where the value in this post lies.. Not the brief overview. :)

Nooo, not you too klye!
Have you been under a crypto rock so long that you missed the change in government?

The government has very little effect on how I operate.

I don't pay their taxes on my income nor do I use their services. It's win win for both of us really. :D

I knew Trudeau was in.. I just didn't know he was actually going to do what he said he would. :P

Justin is in meow... Harper is long gone and half forgotten

I am a year behind then.. ROFL

Yeah, I am actually jealous of your ability to ignore the situation.
I too have avoided taxes, benefits and anything government for years. They caught me with some weed and now I have to participate in order to qualify for legal aid.

Ah, Damn man.

They popped me with weed once.. But when it got to court some how HALF of the 7g I had on me had disappeared. Crooked as fuck cops smoked my stash man!

Yeah they got me with a little more than 7, in transport, with baggies, and money.

Ah fuck. Mine was all in one bag, no scale, claim as personal and get a slap on the pee-pee. Such is prohibition!

I may get lucky, the cop used the word "it" instead of marijuana, no actual mention of marijuana during the interview. They didn't properly photograph the $800 they took from my WALLET and their confidential informant was a hooker who profited from teenagers that I refused to deal with...
I might need a legal opinion but I may just get away with it.

Sounds complicated.. Jesus. Filthy pig bastards

haha, even the canadian logo seems to have a red version of this leaf on it

Maple... Marijuana...

Oh god.. I need to make weed maple syrup.

The government has no authority to 'legalize' what is our right - to consume what we want regardless of what some bureaucrats decide. Legalizing cannabis is yet another usurpation of our rights but more importantly, to profit on a plant that sells for an exorbitant price rather than at a price the free market would reduce to the price of dill if left alone. It's a money grab by the federal government which has a penchant for control through monopoly control and enforcement by force.

Eh, Still plays into my favour as I don't have to feel like a criminal anymore for walking around with some joint in my pocket.

I just want to tell that the word legalization is wrong in this context. Salad is legal. Cars are legal. They can be bought in shops and people can have as much as they want. What Canada is doing is something else but not a legalization.

Well. Right now if you're caught with pot you face fines or jail time.

With this proposal you won't.. So in essence it is either legalization or decriminalization... I'm no lawyer though.

Or regulation. The word legalization is used too much in the wrong way and when u use the wrong word for something then it bends reality lol
I think the title is good becaue regulation is only the beginning and the path is ,.. insert english here,.. laid.

Bending reality is what we do simply be observing it me thinks.

What is reality even? Is my reality the same is yours? Can we even prove or disprove it otherwise?

Regulation perhaps is a right word as well. But in essence none of the words I said were wrong though either. Or were they?

I think the word legalization is wrong for what they do now, but for what will happen in 10 years or so it is correct. I dont know about reality, I was just using these words because my english was not good enough to say precisely what I meant. I will say, instead of bending reality, : incorrect

ah, good news!

Glad to finally hear something from the govt. I thought Trudeau was gonna sweep it under the rug but seems it's being put into play.

I think you're lucky to have the young Trudeau! He's hot.

Not my cup of tea but I could see how some find him attractive.

If you think being dressed well is the criteria for letting this putz play the megalomaniac.

Maybe they will stop refusing Americans with prior weed charges entry now.....

I hope so man!

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Thank you sir!

Ohk no doubt now...I'm moving to Canada!!!

May as well! Winter is kind of crap though

Marijuana smokers will move to Canada now

We will welcome them!

Up here smoke ads are rare.. Booze ads are as well.

Can't wait to see weed advertisement though. :D

Eh, I'm a marijuana advocate but I'll also freely speak about the dangers of marijuana.

To much pot makes people lazy, uninspiring burnouts. Seen it time and time again. Johnny boy smokes too much devils lettuce and ends up giving handjobs for marijuana cigarettes. (lol)

You're saying properly fed people don't sit around and do nothing..? lol

How do people get obese then nog? Too much munchies and laziness from the devils lettuce. :D

If you eat a proper diet you have no need to eat vitamins. :)