Who else is growing organic?

in #marijuana7 years ago (edited)

Heyy Steemit's cannabis network! Who out there is blogging their organic grow?


I'd love to follow some fellow fully-organic indoor cannabis gardeners! Even better, if you're not using anything but water. I'd love to trade info and tips - I almost never find anyone else who grows this way. If you're out there, please speak up.

BIG love and respect to ALL growers of the sacred herb!

(Photo taken today - Sept 13 2018 by DRutter.)

drutter steemit banner.jpg


Out of curiousity, is there a spesial reason you only use regular water, and do you pH-ceck or does it go directly from the tap to the plant?

I fill up water jugs from my tap and let them sit for a couple days before using them. I've checked the water here a couple times and the pH was fine. Pretty good water here in Vancouver. Trace minerals, no fluoride.
The main reasons I didn't add anything else to my plants is they didn't seem to need anything. Each time I could have given them something, they seemed healthy and happy, so I didn't. I've done a lot of fully organic tomato gardening in the past, so I figured my skills would translate over, and apparently they did.
There are lots of smaller reasons I appreciate too, like not having to 'flush', and never wondering what that funny taste in my medicine is.

I love that pic. Getting chunkier.

We're also growing organically. On facebook and instagram that means censoredly...is that even a word? It'd better be now haha

Very nice, upvoted and resteemed.

Hay hay @drutter, this girl is O.G. all day and all night!!! For sure, my newbieness is loving the marijuana platform! Check out my colorchallenge thursday/green usually when I put post about my gals.. However, @elemental has the best pot blog check him out and has inspired me to maybe do some live video/episodes of this year's grow. Once Winter hits, I'll have lots more time to interact and create content posts.

My girls are super behind this year, kinda bonsaied them and did a double top, I have my vendor tents on them and fans and now is super fine line to keep them going without the p.m in our valley here of the Willamette in Oregon. they look like they might go into November. I think they are going to be just perfect yummieness whenever they are ready!


This pic is from 5 days ago of yeah and she is Green Crack

Excellent strain! Your plants look good and I like that ground cover. How/when are you tenting them?
My outdoor experience is mostly with tomatoes but I absolutely intend to own land someday and grow right under the sun. Maybe a polytunnel or something like it.
Thanks for your comment, I'm checking out your page.

Well, tricky biz, this is my third year growing rec outdoors. First year, didn't cover at all and paid the price, got botritus really bad that year. When plants are in veg or early flower, if it rains which seems to be rarely in summer these days I let them take the shower, they love the rain, and i and it usually will dry fast, no problem.. once September hits and that first big rain or misty moisture in the air and cooler nights creates perfect condition for molds here, then I put the tents up over them and add fans and when it's super super stormy I add the walls.. problem with that is you can make a humid tent.. I'm experimenting with one of the pots since I had an old wambly tent I just barely covering and getting more air flow on that one, gonna see how that works so far so good. Last year, I kept moving tents back and forth so gals could get more sun, this year not doing that. I know they love the sun but there is also a fine line with too much UV radiation. I feel, when they get partially shaded they seem to brighten up and be much happier? the fans are crucial, bugs hate the fans too! A lean tube greenhouse works well, need to make bottom 2-4 feet open up for air flow, so don't do the bury the cover in the ground method.

Cooool, thanks for all that info! It sounds like you've had various ups and downs and learned a lot already! I look forward to hearing and learning more : )

Excelente post hermanito feliz noche

I'm all about the organics! Feed the soil not the plant.

I am not growing at all, unfortunately. :(

Aw, do you not have access to somewhere you can do so? : (

muy buen trabajo amigo,gracias y que pase un buen día.