Legalize it!

in #marijuana7 years ago (edited)

No longer should we be forced into consuming a tumorous substance when an easily producible and healthy alternative exists.

We demand recognition.
We demand Action.
We demand our freedom of choice.

Legalize it!

I am not going to say anything we do not already know. Marijuana should be legal. In the state our legislation is in now, and the knowledge we posses about the plant, it is an assault on the intelligence, health, freedom, and spiritual progression on our citizens to keep marijuana law as it stands now.

There are many medicines that do what marijuana does, but come with a battery of medically adverse side-effects. Even the United State's most widely spread religion, Christianity, promotes the use of a much more toxic substance within its halls in the form of the blood of Christ. Cigarettes cause cancer and new, under studied pharmaceuticals with unknown side effects are pushed on our population every single day. It is unfair, no, unconstitutional and irresponsible to make the pursuit of a holistic, natural, non-harmful substance illegal and force your people to imbibe in dangerous and toxic substances for their catharsis. Alcohol and cigarettes are proven to cause cancer, liver disease, brain shrinkage of the gray matter, bad circulation of the bodies blood, emphysema, bad lung function, irrational behavior, and in the worst cases; even death. Marijuana is not only a recreational that causes none of these adverse side effects; it has been found in many studies to increase lung function, attack cancer cells and has no adverse side effects on the brain or the toxicology of the fragile human biome. I have been smoking marijuana for 13 years and I will accept any lung function challenge to prove my capacity unaffected.

By keeping marijuana illegal you are contributing to many countless deaths and injuries that could be prevented if individuals had legal access to the harmless relaxant.

The war on marijuana causes infinitely more pain on the populace than the drug itself and it is our government and courts responsibility to address this fact; rather than turning a blind eye as they have in the past. Families have been torn apart and left to barely make ends meet while the user of marijuana rots in a cell unable to help their family or society. We all make mistakes, but if we do not accept the mistakes we made in the past, we can never change.

Of course some people will abuse marijuana. But just as well people will abuse alcohol and cigarettes; television and video games. But if we could move just one alcohol or cigarette user to use marijuana instead; their life could be much more fulfilling and profitable to the society in terms of long term healthcare with minimal comparative risk. Stop propagating the lie that we do not know the long term effects of marijuana. We know what they are and we know that these legal substances being pushed upon the population are far and away more harmful than marijuana in both the short and long term. Any person who has not drawn this conclusion has done little to no research on the subject. Or are just plain lying to your face! Many people use the substance for spiritual work, under that context; is the prohibition of marijuana not unconstitutional?

A marijuana smoker wants to gain their catharsis and spiritual navigation from a substance that does not cause irreparable harm to their body, mind, or spirit. That substance is marijuana. Marijuana is a symbol of peace and those who fight it are either power-strung tyrants or afraid to speak against those who are tyrannical. So I speak on the behalf of all people who are afraid or unable to speak out and the individuals who choose a healthy catharsis over one that will inevitably destroy them. The words that once freed suppressed people in the past will free them now. I speak the words of the great Moses of ancient times to you now. Pharaoh, LET MY PEOPLE GO. It is time to part the sea of ignorance!
We demand recognition.
We demand Action.
We demand our freedom of choice.
No longer shall we be forced into consuming a tumorous substance when an easily producible and healthy alternative exists. We will not stand by and let your harm the innocent masses with mindless litigation steeped in racism any longer. “Common sense must prevail and we have to take the high road out of here” (Joseph Teti)-Survivalist

Thank you Steemit community for offering an outlet for these works!
Thanks for reading!
Steemit is the future!

Stay cool!


The only thing I could add to this is that as legalization spreads, we need to keep Big pharma and Big Ag out. Cannabis culture started as a grassroots movement and turned into a lifestyle. Craft cannabis needs to be preserved. Unfortunately CA legalization is about to wipe out the culture that created the whole movement.