My Hallucination Hike in the Woods of Eastern Tennessee

in #marijuana8 years ago

Howdy, everyone! Hope you've all had a great Wednesday! Let me tell you a little bit about mine!

We walk through the woods a little ways, trying to find a spot to light the nice little joint I rolled. Searching and searching and searching. After about 20 minutes of looking for a discreet place, I see a small hill that's covered in trees. So we walk over the hill. There it is. A clearing just big enough for 3 people. (Picture of clearing below)
We go down and light up that joint. (Smoking on that Green Crack, that's what's up) We smoke up and I start tripping ass like usual, seeing the occasional face or leprechaun or alien, you know how it goes with loud. But I start seeing some damn tree people circling around and tell me why I have a full conversation with the king of the trees about how the government taking their land and shit, how they've been running a full civilization in the woods and in the mountains, and how they have bears and wolves and shit as pets. So, it all started with my girlfriend, (@oddhippie) her brother, and myself visiting a local park near their house called Willow Springs with a lovely view of the mountains. So we're walking on the asphalt trails, exploring the park, and admiring the views, but at the same time, looking for a nice, discreet place to smoke. So finally, we find a wooded trail that leads into the woods.

So, these bastards just split out of thin air, like, "See ya, fam!" I just start sprinting. Ashley and her brother chasing me through the damn woods, barely keeping up with my dumb ass. Now, you'll be as surprised as I am when I say that I brought us right back to the place we started. After all that running, I didn't really blow my high, but I was sober enough to know that what just happened didn't really actually happen.
We ended the "trip" (teehee) by watching a beautiful sunset over the East Tennessee mountain ranges. Hey, man, it all worked out in the end, but that shit was a crazy experience, I know it had to have been in my head because I asked Ashley and Kobe, they had no clue what I was talking about. Fuck it though. I've tripped like that before and I will trip like that many more times.
Stay high, Steem. Love you all.