i WISH my caps lock wasn't on... haha it would have been easier to backspace ::rolling eyes::
2nd attempt...
I wish I was a Wiz at promotion, but I'm not.
I have tried discord a few times, but it really didn't work well for me. Maybe part of the reason is when I first got involved I read tons of how to succeed on Steemit post. Most, if not all, said get on Discord. My reaction was, >>>THIS<<< is a social networking platform, yet you have to use an external chat service? Ugh, my personal sites have had chat for YEARS.
- See the real problem I have is Discord is always telling me to claim my account, but it won't let me for some reason. ::shrug::
I do try to tag properly.
I also use my footer as a post promotion area. That's probably my #1 way I promote.
I do try to link to previous articles even if they are beyond reward, if I'm writing a post that is related.
I did a steem-bounty and I felt a bit like that kid whose mom tied a steak around their neck so the dog would play with them. haha I got 2 comments for a 1 Steem bounty. ::shrug::