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RE: [STEEM-BOUNTY] are You Actively Promoting Your SteemIt Posts?

in #mapsters6 years ago

Let this be a lesson for next time.I already figured it out. The rules were clear: no self-votes and no voting bots. You broke one of those rules. As a result you are not entitled toreceive a reward in this @steem-bounty hunt. The only way I can make sure you don't get rewarded is by flagging your comment.



Dear simplymike, first of all sorry for my english, i understood that i write in a way for you was unaderstandable.
As you can see from the imagine, i am doing day by day a fighting with my RC.

So i am not a bounty hunter! I am a contributor like you.
Ok i understand you rules to not self upvote, this is what i hate, but regarding other people votes is the only chance i have to grown my SP and then my RC.
It's a pity you downvote me with your 100% power, it was enough to do it with 1% to let me not get your bounty... I am contributor of @Steem-bounty from the beginning and you can ask to @knircky if you do not believe it.

I'm sorry, my mistake about the 100%. I didn't notice I could bring it back to 1%. Sorry for that. Bjt you've got to deserve your upvotes from other community members.
By keeping it short and to the point, your chances on upvotes from others will grow. For now I've removed the flag, but let it be a warning for next time

Dear @simplymike, you are an active member of steem-bounty and for that i consider you as one member of my virtual family, if i keep strong to stay in Steemit is thanks to people like you that are in this family and help to grow all of us