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RE: Got Hacked? Here's How To Get Your Account And Reputation Score Back!

in #mapsters7 years ago

Thank you so much @simplymike for sharing this! People are facing hacking attack, and losing SBD these days. We have to be careful while clicking the link. And if it asks for signing in after clicking the link, there has to be something wrong.

Again if you log in with your posting key, hackers cannot steal your money. They can also spam comment and post. You will have control on your account. In this case just change your password using master key. Everything will be fixed.


It took this hack for me to learn that. Before I used my password to log in. It is called ‘password’, so I didn’t see any problem in it. Fortunately I know better now.

Your posts create awareness and teach us what to do to stay safe. Keep posting! Wish you all the best! :)