Man of the Millennium

in #manofthemillenium7 years ago

72 Nations and more witnessed the Ancient King of Kings in their times, who is one of the co founders of the League if Nations in which we know today as the United Nations, yet this King was titled "Man of the Millennium", no one or no Nation has seemed to mention this Great Figure who warned and saved the world from World Wars, especially World War II that showed the World the extremism of Dictatorship and Fascism. Such governance are still incorporated through a bullying system of taxes and interest that serves no true interest to humanity. This Man I mention is who some unshaven dreadlocked beings worldwide, not just Jamaica, praised and exalted his name as the Most High Supreme Being if all times. Whether one wans to call HIM Krishna, Buddha, Atra Hasis, Zoroaster, or Christ... He is the Alpha and Omega without end. His name transcends all of science and spirituality and religion..., which I would add, is the relation between science and spirit. This name I would not mention in vain nor will I use it to blaspheme... now thinking of it, maybe that's the reason why many fail to mention this Superb Being that exists... without doubt. A man whose numbers sum up to all of ancient scriptures, who is the basis of all things and the ManKingPriest who gave great figures of today something sacred that still today, people call it, conspiracy. This man was a very good friend to John F. Kennedy, yet... because of jealousies, we know what happened to JFK. This Man was also a friend to the Queen..., yet, Diana lost her life due to jealousies once more. Such jealousies... some would say derived from people who called themselves "Jesuits", yet... these people are " Private Cooperations." A world now built with elects, electric (negative charge) on humanity. This Great Man I speak of... still today, the United States Dollar Sign or Symbol is this man's Signature. Another stolen emblem and artifact of the Hemperor. Written in the Bible is His name, JAH, which we sing praises to... and exalt His Name, Jah RasTafarI, Haile Selassie I, the First Qadamawai Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah!!! A title no other has in HIS Story, yet we have a world of people who has stolen and hidden the facts of such Wonderful King of Kings. While all presidents are leaders of their nation, which makes them equivalent to Kings... this Man I mention is the King of Kings. With a serene heart... it is quite clear to say that jealousy must occur because of the weak hearted and stronghold of an ego. Yet, 72 Nations did bow down... but only 50 Nations continue to show Homage and Respect. Through Word, Sound and Power, the Stone that the builder refuse, becomes the Head Corner Stone. Establishing a house without HIM is building a house on quicksand. Until the day the color of a man's skin is no longer as significant to the color of his eyes... Until the philosophy of one race is superior and another inferior is finally and permanently abandoned... Until that Day... there Will be War!!! A Speech spoken by Haile Selassie I tobthe Leagur of Nations in Genoa, then later sung by the late Robert Nestar Marley. A reggae music singer with dreadlocks revealing to the World the image of the true Indigenous being before man-made scissors and comb. It is about time the indigenous tell the World their Story, rather than have other people speak for them. How many documentaries have you all seen and not question yourself, why are the same people, mostly caucasians or asians m, telling the story of indigenous sun-kissed people? They speak as if we are no longer here to speak for ourselves. After centuries of lies... most of us now rely on the lie, which are now beLIEfs to many. Are you being in a Lie called beLIEf? Why are we continuing to let people feed us with lies... and misconstrued misinformation. The year 2020... Many will be called, few chosen. The many people will be too reLIEant on their beLIEf, confounded and enslaved to a job or hobby, too busy in their vanities and falseity ...too stubborn to want to know, too caught in being Socrates in an era where there is no excuse for not knowing after transitioning from the Age of Information to the Aquarian Age of CoConsciousCreation... ask, how many really and truly do Graduate in this Universe!!! Man has copied and doubled everything now the copy or double is the Diablo or the Devil... so, now there are two sides... your free Will of choice granted by the Creator. We live in a world of people copying each other thinking that's the path or way to success... that by copying a successful being, one will also be successful. This is Fascism. Copying from a Copy..., while neglecting the Original. The ORIGIN has the polarized code in it... it says ORIGIN is NIGIRO... why has there been centuries of whitewashing, negro killing, NIGIRO genocide, pale fusion... yet, mom of you pay homage of respect to your ORIGIN. Still today, Sunkissed people can make a pale baby in 9 Months... the only race that can still today make another race... yet you all will team up and confuse it saying that the baby is "Albino"...yet, there is a whole nation called "Albania" and the capital of New York State is "Albany"... has anyone studied the etymology of these words... they're all the same... yet ones would argue that albino is a disease... and I would inform you all... that you all suffer from vitamin D deficiency... and you all can't stay too long in the scorching sun without getting burnt. Science my dear friends... needs to have ethical and ethnically focus... all that reaching far out into space got people lost in their own space... hence why most people rent or are still paying mortgage... Word, sound power, who really created this defected system, where people are all incorporated to die in debt... no wonder debt and death sounds the same. Who is waking up, Really... I'd like to see those who are up for the challenge to leave their destructive ego and move forward to a beta human... and not follow the transhumanism ideaologies being pushed and forced onto us in society. A nation is never independent... because they depend on their resources and other nations... business proves the fact that we are all and more Interdependent. Hence, why the "inter"net works!!! IMG_0139.JPGIMG_1733.JPGIMG_1728.JPGIMG_1750.JPGIMG_2830.JPG