Manifesting - Word of the Year and a Depressing Sign of our Times...?

in #manifest3 months ago

The Cambridge English Dictionary has chosen 'manifest' as its 2024 word of the year.

'Manifest' - means to use the power of visualisation to will something into existence.

Singer Dua Lipa and Gymnast Simone Biles are two people who CLAIM to have 'manfisted' their success.

And these two are PERFECT examples of why the concept of manifesting is literally total bullshit.

Both of them started their passions - singing and gymnastics - at a very young age, and both of them are built for it - Simone is literally the PERFECT build for a gymnast, and Dua Lipa is just ludicrously attractive.

Swap them around and had Dua been manifesting all those gymnastics golds and Simone singing success they wouldn't have made it - Simone is too tall to be a super successful gymnast and Simone too chunky for the music industry to want her....

Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 19.14.19.png

Easy to disprove the power of manifesting....

I mean I can't RN, but this would be a VERY easy theory to debunk. All you'd need to do is put out a simple survey asking people whether or not they practice manifesting, for those who say they do, ask them for details.

Then ask them whether or not whatever they had manifested has actually come into being.

I don't even think you'd need to be that particular about the sampling, just a random sample would do.

You'd find that many people who do it fail.

Not that there is no power....

I mean this is just positive thinking, right. Obviously if you have a goal, visualising yourself achieving that goal is going to help you realise it, BUT you need to have certain other things in place as well... in Dua Lipa's case you need to be able to sing and perform and be bear fit.

Someone else with all the same characteristics bar one can manifest themselves all they like performing at Glastonbury but it ain't gonna happen.

I will accept that positive thinking or manifesting can be the difference between success and failure, but only once you've got all the other things required for success in place first.

Manifesting alone will get you nowhere, but of course it's getting press because those who do succeed want to put it all down to their own super powers.

That is BS.

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Is this the sort of thing all those self-help books go on about? I don't tend to read those. Being successful at anything will be a combination of factors that include determination and luck. There's lots of really talented people who will not make it big. I think the route to fame has changed these days.

I think you'll find plenty of books on it in the self help section in Waterstones!

I agree it takes more and then it's still not a certainty!


Dua Lipa is just ludicrously attractive.

Nothing to do with her singing then?

I think he's implying she looks like Ludacris??? Maybe she's kinfolk


That's it!

Manifest?????? careful or the woke fuckers, hand wringers and women with a cock will get upset

That's about right!

"... and then the sky opened up and God came down, shouting: 'Well then, buy yourself a damn lotto ticket!'"

This is the punchline to a joke about how praying (manifesting), wishing, and lighting candles is not enough. You need to do your part for whatever it is you want, even for winning the lottery. Though while someone is manifesting or lighting candles, chances are that the inspiration is going to hit them to do whatever is necessary. So indirectly the practice of manifesting does work.

That's a nice way of looking at it - it can halp but it ain't on its own enough!

The Oxford University Press's word/phrase of the year is 'Brain Rot' (a result of overconsumption of material). The first recorded use of ‘brain rot’ was found in 1854 in Henry David Thoreau’s book Walden, but has taken on new significance as an expression in the digital age.

That's a much better phrase, like that!

Manifesting alone would be only utopia.

Oh yes of course it's all too easy for it to be real!

Hmm in all aspect it's about the mind. What ever you feed to your thought comes out alive. Whatever we accept manifest and the bad thing is bad thought tend to manifest faster than good ones

Yes I agree I'm just not sure you can manifest success that's entirely different.

Hard work always comes with success I think

Well manifesting is literally the word that makes me vomit the most this year. This is thought by gen-z to get them another reason to stay on the couch with a matcha in the hands.


How do you know the haven't been manifesting as a soul, before the incarnated into a human body XD. I will take this witch new age talk over Christian BS any day of the week!

Hmmm. Imagine how stupid she felt practicing all those years... she shoulda just manifested that shit.. hell maybe I'll manifest me a gold medal in men's gymnastics.. I'll sell the movie rights... From Couch to Champion starring davedickeyyall