Mangosteem Chat (alpha)
Chat and Get Paid 😉

What is Mangosteem?
Mangosteem is a public web chat application powered entirely by the Steem blockchain - no private servers and/or databases involved! Simply login via Steem Connect and begin chatting on the blockchain.
Since messages are posted to the Steem blockchain all chat interactions are votable, thus the chat community can easily reward valuable contributors and discourage the trolls.
How it works?
Mangosteem chat channels are hosted by Steem accounts dedicated solely to serving as the channel chat archive. Each message posted to a channel is saved as a comment on the host account. Anyone can host a channel, but at this point in time the process is not automated. If interested in adding a new channel please get in touch for details on how to do so.
The Mangosteem alpha release is a bare bones product meant to gauge interest in a chat application run on the Steem blockchain. Depending on how the product is received further development shall proceed in the following phases:
[Phase 1] New foundation
The alpha release was developed with speed in mind. The first phase in development will be a complete rewrite of the application utilizing the proper tools, resolving known design flaws, and fixing major bugs.
[Phase 2] Additional (nice to have) public chat features
There are numerous small features absent from the alpha release that one might expect from a chat application. Phase 2 will address this by adding features such as:
- Notifications
- Channel Grouping (i.e Favorites)
- Chat channel custom urls
- Ability to edit / delete posts
- Display votes and/or payouts on messages
- Improved editor support for markdown, image and video posting, emojis, etc.
- Improved cross browser compatibility and responsiveness for mobile devices
- Admin features
- Add custom channels within the app
- Filtering of non-mangosteem comments
- And more...
[Phase 3] Keeping things private
In order to be considered a true chat application Mangosteem will eventually require private messaging. Phase 3 will explore possible implementations for direct messaging and private groups, ideally minimizing dependencies on any private databases.
Interested in getting involved with the Mangosteem project? Feel free to reach out on Steemit, (@mynameisbrian), and eventually on Mangosteem ;)
Yes please
Great work, finally!!
Edit: oh wait, will this add to a new blog entry visible on the likes of Steemit or something like that?
Edit 2: Nevermind, figured it out :) this is awesome to bring over existing communities / chat groups from anyone's telegram / whatsapp. I think it's okay in some ways for it to be like a glassroom.
Feedback: Ok in most cases, people chat with quick successive one-liners. Since the Steem protocol has that 20 seconds / comment limit, I think it might be possible to make it a smoother experience by grouping multiple one-liners after the first before posting it on the blockchain.
For example: I typed this and pressed enter --> this gets posted into the chain, hence begins the 20-seconds timer before the next comment is possible. So in this timeframe, any text entries will be grouped and posted as one larger comment by the end of the time limit.
Thanks for the feedback @kevinwong.
Currently the UX is limited by the design, but I think you have made some great suggestions. Many robust chat features will likely require a private server acting as liaison between the app and the blockchain. Unfortunately that is not something that I can set up in the near term and without careful planning.
suggestions to MangoSteem in my post.@mynameisbrian Keep up the great work. I have made some
They should make a steemit app, so that its easier to use.
eSteem is a pretty good way to use steem on your mobile!
Hi @starblade @babane @world-currency @ackza have you tried the eSteem app?
Am also waiting for the steemit app... it will make things more easy.
Agree with you on that, have been saying it for a while now.
@sneak said we are gettting a steemit app soon!
I agree, I joined about eight days ago and I am still in the dark about a lot of what one can and what one should do.
there is esteem app but on iOS especially it is really bad
Sure, it's for something down the road. Sure works pretty well as an MVP now. Only came across two issues at the moment: message not posted on the chain on my first couple tries, and chat messages not updating on page after a certain time, but I guess these aren't big issues.
If your internet is very slow or spotty it can cause issues with the polling of new blocks. Currently the app will just refresh if the connection falls behind. Just one of numerous issues that need to be ironed out.
Not sure about your messages not posting. I haven't encountered that.
yes u did
how does one earn on mangosteem though? is it just like the length of the conversation?... or is it determined how intellectual the comment is? Not really understanding, would appreciate feedback!
Feedback: it would be cool to have like a live chatroom in some ways similar to omegle and/or livestreaming
people would like to solve peoples issues through chat way more, in return they receive upvotes as rewards, so i guess, has a huge area to be explored there, quite stunning idea. lets see!!
sounds dope! thanks for the reply man
your comment really helps alot buddy
I haven't figured out when you get paid
upvote me thanks
20 second gap - ahh for me its too long....
thats a steem problem
upvote me
i'm going to flag you for being lame
the easiest way to get around this (which i demonstrated the other night, it to fall back to editing the pervious post in the 20 second time limit... then you can just watch the chain for post edits (which the current ui already does)
strongly agree about that
vote begging is lame
For more explain
Well done video. Did you use VideoPal to do the animated character speaking or how did you do it ?
Many thanks for this info. Regards, Stefan.
As long as any new messaging chats that comes out are based on Steem BlockChain and principles -- I'm more than happy to take a look into them and give them a try...
Awesome prototype, I've seen this idea come up a few times now and was hoping we'd see something like it! Great job!
lol I noticed in one of the channels you had a bot replying, which is hilariously awesome. I started a list a couple months back of bot accounts if you're looking for a good starting point as to who to ignore messages from.
Thanks I'll take a look at the list. Many many issues to work out.
Thanks Jesta :) Followed and upvoted. Check out my stuff and follow back if you like my crypto content :)
bot replying ? damn it would be craziest thing :D
I totally agree! Awesome 👏🏻
This is pretty amazing. There are tons of people that spend a lot of time in chat but not necessarily posting a ton on steemit. This opens it up for those types of social networks as well.
Great work I'm excited to give it a spin!
Hey ,
Nice work sir
i love your works @coinlend <3
automatic encryption = private chat
Awesome Idea. Guess youre highly motivated with that strong steemit support!
This is again a big showcase what the steem blockchain is capable of. I cannot wait for a perfect twitter clone on my smartphone which will be run by the steem blockchain.
Steem as a blockchain is pretty heavy on potential :). All it needs is a shove or two and we could see a serious breakout in price ramping.
Where do all chats get saved on? any specific posts?
Can we scale votes under <1%? :P
Does it have a 3 sec limit like comments here too?
Currently messages made from mangosteem are comments on a specific post. Although if the host account makes additional posts and receives comments those will also appear in the comment feed.
Hmm, so all the posted comments are saved over here at the site ?
Could I include it on my forum website on the frontpage and all the messages
posted there will be stored over here in a topic I have opened up on my steemit account or how would this work out ? Many thanks. Regards, Stefan.
Súper coooolllll!!
When u plan to release a mobile app ? :)
Hmm sounds interesting and very promising. I am new to the website so I am trying to see what it is all about.
Hi, the truth is I really liked this post. It is very interesting of the subject that you spoke, you should continue like this!
That Bereh tulesan droe neuh hy brian eukk, lage lam kapai are ;)
Nyoe kan ku tuleh nyoe koen pu laen, nyoe ku meuharap meurumpok persen bacut bak si karma, meunyoe hana jih jok persen meu bacut theh sang hana so jok keudroe kuh, jadi nyoe komen lon numpang jak siat, meuah beuh, bek neukira apam syara beh, trimong geunaseh, mnyoe awak blah deuh khen thank you very much, nyan ban :)
Bueno suena exelente, voy a usarlo y te comento :D
Como no vamos a probar ese MANGOsteem!!! Debe saber buenisimo!!! Ja, ja, ja!! Y pronto vamos a tener el GUAYABAsteem!!
Will this thing be aviable for different languages? Would be nice. I mean english is fine but i think not eberybody thinks that lel
great addition to the steemit family
@mynameisbrian is the chat encrypted in any way, i see you mention phase 3 would that be peer to peer private messages?
Excellent idea! Definitely a feature we could benifit from. Anything that can be done to help, aside from support upvoting and resteeming, feel free to ask. Would love to help get this going!
wow what a fantastic idea
Well now I'm glad I didn't start working on this idea myself and went for another one instead, you would had beat me to it! Great to see this idea finally in action though and Steem ecosystem growing wider instead of just tall.
People will slowly start realizing the true potential of Steem blockchain with every new app that is released. The focus will slowly shift from Steemit to numerous platforms.
Looks like a good app.
Very interesting, especially the fact that it allows you to upvote chats
This is very interesting! So each channel is a steemit user with a post, and all the messages in the channel are comments to that post. If you dont understand, go to there you'll see all the messages in the general channel
Great app...good for the ones who can give most of their time in chatting...Now no one should mind 'CHATTING' :P
Voted fully on this. This is part of what I advocated for the first time I joined steem. Thanks for venturing into this. Welldone.
Cool idea. I am very surprised to see how many Steem Blockchain based Services are popping up lately.
This creates a healthy environment for Steemit :)
something to check it out for sure
Looks like a very cool initiative. Upvoted
nice....upvote and resteem
This is really awesome. Logged in, tested it out and looking forward to ditching other chat-apps. Congrats @mynameisbrian! I was wondering what you've been up to the last couple weeks ;)
Thanks. Planning and figuring out the api has kept me busy.
Making comics leaves me with a lot more free time :(
you should probs make it so its harder to self-vote, it would be even easier to manipulate than comments.
Great job. I'm looking forward to see this in action. You deserve my Vote.
Thank you.Follow me @Yehey
Cool idea but it full spam the shit out of the blockchain.

Def checking out
Brilliant, am alwag happy to see new and good stuff built in steem blockchain...will check it out
wow this is real cool @mynameisbrian - thank you! - will you be looking into ios /android ?
Yeah I have been thinking and talking and asking about ho we could have this feature, and i cant wait until its as useful as the discord app, cant wait for the new Steem App it will open the doors for this sort of stuff, having chat that will be Upvotable ,so people can send money to people in real time! allowing chats to become more high quality!
Oh and did you all hear about the Sub Communities steemit will soon have? I cant wait for us to have the subreddit style communities that will be customizable and people will be able to hang out with like minded people
Man johal you're going to be a billionaire on steemit for sure, when the next upgrade to steemits User Interface happens, the price of steem will soar, people will realize how important steemit really is when it comes to making a Blockchain Social media site...people like to doubt its usefulness, but the steem blockchain is SOOO strong it's ONLY going to grow! its sooo cool its like an infinite party
"Look inside of your soul you can find gold and you can get rich" so true, steem will let people make money off being themselves, people will be able to become journalists and artists too and really express themselves...i cant wait for steemporium to have steemstreams like soundcloud but you get paid, so many artists will love getting paid to upload music, it will spawn all sorts of artists native to steemit, man steemit becomees super powerful when u start to study it, and see just how many peopel are involved, its a autonomous deentralized corporation! it realy is a decebtralized company and we all work for it!
Excellent work!! I want to contribute.
My question is: What happens if a thread lives more than 7 days? After that the upvotes are not rewarded :/ ... maybe the solution is to create a new post, but make it transparent for mangosteem showing it as a single thread... what do you think?
It will be amazing with private chats. Then the common people will see encrypted messages and the group will have a key to see them. Since everybody can comment mangosteem must filter the garbage, that is, only show messages with the correct encryption.
Upvote and resteem!
Getting paid to waste time chatting? This is awesome!
it really is
Really cool -- how will you handle abusive users and spammers - for example the notorious individual who keeps spamming steemit chart with profanity until the network can't handle it anymore. I know little to nothing about developing this kind of stuff i just see the potential issue.
Love it so far.
good step on the road.
"ReferenceError: steem is not defined" ....looks like it needs big update
Very cool! Happy to see improvements always continuing in this great community :)
Upvoted and followed. Check out my posts and follow back if you're interested in my content :)
I am in!! This is awesome!
This showed up as a comment! The upvote from manogsteen didnt seem to register though. Still, its a seamless comment! Wow. This app is going to be so useful!
This is such an awesome idea! :) I just don´t understand what password to use. does it have to be a steemit key?
I think you already got access
Yes!! I figured it out!
I've been wondering where the comics have been! Now I see you may have been a bit preoccupied...
Yea. It was an idea that I just had to try to create.
Cor blimey, what a great idea. I will have to give it a spin!
This social media is amazing and it is getting even better. All the people behind this mangosteem project, thank you so much. You guys are brilliant.
In this whole one life which is more important to you money or time ?