Wow can I even begin to express how emotional this made me? First of I don't even have a girlfriend not to talk of a wife, and to have been married for 5 months it's such a sweet thing forgive me, but I had to watch this everything so my comment is coming late, buy Evey word, sentence and point you made, made me so emotional, this is a lovely lady no doubt and how you met her is even more outstanding you know? In elementary school? That's Romeo and Juliet stuff 😀😀.
However the thing is I've not even heard of this challenge, lol I guess I've been struggling a lot here for me not to notice it.
I'm also very concerned, I hope the doctors have affirmed that she's gonna be okay?
Wow wow, this is beautiful my friend.
Aww man, thank you for sharing this wonderful sentiment! I appreciate you taking the time to do so :)
It's a new-ish challenge, and basically you just put a camera in front of you, click record and share your thoughts or your life experiences haha! I'm not sure, but that's how I did it haha!
So far, she is. We can't confirm if the thyroid has been zapped completely for 6 to 9 months after. Fingers crossed that the radiation would just melt it away.