👽 My Mamma Always Said Life Is Like a Box of Chocolates, You Will Never Know What You Are Going to Get...
👽 Call it Mandela, I call it changing Realities and My Arcade Game is letting me know things are mixing up as I go Higher and Higher and Higher...Let's Ascend...
- Nelson Mandela
- The Village people
- Wizard of Oz the scarecrow
- Snow white line
- The back of the eye sockets
- Tony the tiger
- JC Penney
- Hitler’s eye color
- Sally Field Quote
- Chuck E. cheese
- Desi Arnaz
- Procter and Gamble
- Mr. Rogers Neighborhood
- Interview with The Vampire
- Mona Lisa
- The Home Depot
- The Berenstain Bears
- Staples
- Gene Wilder
- I love lucy’s
- Oreos
- Seth Macfarlen
- Wizard of Oz Quote
- jfk
- Cheez it
- Oscar Mayer
- C3PO
- Wolkswagen
- Volvo
- Ford
- Fruit loops
- Skechers. t
- Zsa Zsa Gabor
- Silence of the lambs
- Cup O Noodles
- Whiteout
- Fruit of the Loom
- Katy Perry
- Johnny walker
- Gaddafi
- Sally Fields’
- Johnny quest
- folgers
- Fidel Castro
- Mickey mouse No longer has suspenders
- O’Reily Auto Parts
- Queen
- Beam me up, Scotty
- Gortons
- Mike N Ikes
- Dr. Doolittle
- Depends
- Elliot’s
- Ghandi
- Vlassic
- Eddy’s
- Penzoil
- Smokey the Bear
- Pikachu’s tail
- Lay-Z-Boy
- Kit-Kat
- Inspector Gadget
- Curious Jorge
- Sinbad
- Starwars line,
- Bill Nye
- monopoly man
- Haley’s Comet
- Australia
- Spagetti - o’s
- Tank man
- Vick’s Vaporub
- Herbal Essence
- Coke Zero
- Marilyn Monroe
- PhilCollins’
- Moses
- Oxy Clean
- Sex in The City
- Cuba
- Lion and wolf
- Chic-fil-A or Chik-
- Jiffy
- Febreze
- Double Bubble
- Field of dreams
- Forest Gump line
- Barbie world
- CliffNotes
- Thanksgiving
- Harry Houdini
- Daylight Savings
- XBOX logo
- Looney Toons
- The adams family
- Jaws
- Chevron
- Haines
- Pixi Stix
- Reddi whip
Got this Video from Hidden Knowledge on YouTube
I am bringing more and more quality music for healing, relaxing, studying, sleeping, zen music, spa and massage music, yoga music, reiki music, Abundance music, meditation music, healing and therapy music 🎵
Also, you will find a variety of Higher Vibrational Speakers such as Abraham, Bashar, Napoleon Hill, among others ❤️
And occasionally I will throw in a Laugh 🤣
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