Against All Odds - Which Country is NEXT after Malaysia

in #malaysia6 years ago

Today's Topic: Against All Odds - Which Country is NEXT after Malaysia. Karma take it's natural course to even the odds.

2012 was the beginning of the next 3,600 cycle as Earth move into the Age of Aquarius, a period of rapid changes.

In 2015, during USA America Presidential Elections, Trump was not expected to win, and it was reported that before the final results were out, the Clinton camp was already celebrating for Victory.

Make America Great Again !!

Trump's surprise win, some says God's Intervention, was timely or we would had entered World War 3, with the expected escalation of war in Syria, drawing in the Russian, Iran, then China and everyone having a goal at each other with nuclear missiles and EOL (end of life) for humanity on earth.

As in all politics, the choice is between the lesser of the two evils, and in this case, we now have Trade War than World War under Trump.

No More GST for Malaysia !!

On 9 May 2018, world history was made when 92 year old Dr. Mahatir & his opposition party put an end to 61 years rule of BN.

BN was confident of winning but the tables were turned within 1 day, when peaceful power was handed over.

Alleged Corruption and high cost of living were the main reasons the 25% Malay vote shifted to the Opposition.

Who's Next, Which Country ?

Two Asian countries elections are due within the next 3 years.

One is Thailand and the other in Singapore.


Military coup and take overs were the norm of power play in Thailand and this had happened many times in their history.

The current regime in power are the military and histrocial records shows that in every election, the opposition comes to power, only to be upsurped by military coup.

Will history repeat itself?


The PAP has been in power since 1965, a period of 53 years without break. They dominated parliament and in their worst showing, they still managed more than 2/3 of seats and able to pass any laws or changed the constitution as they so wish since they have majority support from the populous.

Ruled by one powerful and effective Prime Minister since independence 1965, the premiership was handed over outside the FamiLee to a 2nd PM, and was then handed over to the son of the 1st Prime Minister to become the 3rd PM.

Recently, there has been some famiLee infighting and rumours about the son of the 3rd PM be prepared as heir prince.

Will history repeat itself when the 4th PM will be another outsider and then the baton being handed over to the son of the 3rd PM, to become the 5th PM?

Or would the 55 years (election 2020?) unbroken rule be breached this time, following America & Malaysia historical and increasing loud global populous unhappiness over both illegal,and legal corruptions.


What a good time to be alive as exciting events set to unfold.

Thank you.

David Lim. 17.May 2018.

Disclaimer: The opinion expressed is personal and shared for the purpose of analysis and documentation of mankind in politics, and academic historical studies.