Greed & Plastic Surgery: A Look At Disgraced Malaysian EX PM's Wife & Her Self-inflicted Disfigurement!

in #malaysia6 years ago (edited)

With the fall of Malaysia's former PM and a move to the return of law I now feel I can discuss Rosmah Mansor and her greed for money and desire for plastic surgery.

In the last few days Malaysians have been agog watching the police remove jewelry, millions in cash, incredibly expensive Birkin handbags and gold from properties linked to the former PM and his wife.

Apparently 284 boxes containing only designer handbags were removed in the raid sparking comparisons with Imelda Marcos' shoe fetish.

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In Malaysia's precarious economic position and the people feeling the pinch there is a growing fury over all this unexplained wealth. Rumors about Rosmah abound. She is said to be linked to massive theft, a shopping addiction, murder, intimidation and is alleged to practice black magic!

Rosmah has made a fascinating physical transition in her life and this reflects some of the other illnesses she suffers from.

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Every now and again someone comes along who looks just like what they are. Rosmah is such and I will be interested to hear your comments after we look at the changes she has made. Although she is reviled in Malaysia I think it's only fair to say that Rosmah seems to be a woman with a lot of psychological problems.

Apart from all the other controversy surrounding her Rosmah reportedly spent around $400,000 purchasing anti-ageing products which included 1,590 bottles of growth hormone capsules. But this wasn't enough Rosmah wanted to look different so she started having plastic surgery. Dr. Siew has kindly given us this analysis of Rosmah's potential plastic surgery blunders which I shall briefly reference here.

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When Rosmah was young she looked like a healthy Malay girl and some would even have called her pretty. However she has had some terrible surgical procedures (with the public's money?) to make herself feel better and these include:

  1. Dermal Fillers - Rosmah's entire face is full and here facial features have changed and now she looks overinflated. As Dr. Siew says: "Rosmah’s desire for excess apparently did not end with luxury watches and Birkin handbags – With facial injections, it seems like she adopted the same attitude as well."

  2. Nose implant - It looks clear that Rosmah has changed her nose with a rhinoplasty implant. Dr. Siew feels the implant is too big for her and I agree with him when he comments that she looks like a witch!

  3. Chin Implants/Fillers - Again I agree with Dr. Siew that the implant or filler in her chin is too long and makes her look like a witch!

  4. Eyebrow Lift - Rosmah has very arched and highly placed eyebrows that point to a surgical eyebrow lift which Dr. Siew describes as "shocked and evil at the same time".

  5. Botox - I have written about the problems of Botox before and Rosmah is clearly suffering from Botoxification! Her facial muscles are so paralyzed she has no choice but to always wear the same expression.

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Rosmah's bizarre transformation has left her looking like a witch which is what many people in Malaysia feel she has become. It goes to show that mental sickness that leads to incredible greed can go hand in hand with an insane desire to change the way you look.

The traders in these potions and procedures have taken a lot of money from her and she looks awful. I can't help wondering if any of her surgeons was tempted to add a cosmetic wart to her nose to complete the witch look? 😉

To close this post on a note that reflects the Malaysian sense of humor here is a picture that went viral and shows one of the Malaysian police struggling to lift one of Rosmah's bags a few days ago during the raids on her properties. Must be a lot of gold or anti-aging products in the suitcase to make it so heavy lah!

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Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Jockey loves you All & Plants as Medicine! 😉
Jockey votes 4: @teamsteem, @ausbitbank
& loves @canadian-coconut, @chron, @mammasitta, @samstonehill, @sift666, @v4vapid



Almost unbelievable. Nothing seems to surprise me anymore, corruption coupled with greed is everywhere.

Too true - thank goodness we have our saunas! 😉 It's always nice to see your comments buddy!

Funny because...

Scott Joseph (jockey) is criminal drug dealer and traffic - whole family crimonal

Why do you say that? No one pays attention to wild accusations without anything to back them up. I have to assume you're just blowing steem.

Plastic surgery is a noble practice. It corrects problems such as burns consequences and excess tissue parts. Even when it improved the appearance of someone it increases confidence and wellbeing. However, done in excess and for the wrong reasons is a recipe for disaster.

Good origin of your news! Scott Joseph (jockey) is criminal drug dealer and traffic - whole family crimonal