in #makeithealthy7 years ago (edited)

The purpose of the Make It Healthy Project is to share truth, knowledge and good-health-inspiration with the Steemit community.  This includes physical, mental, spiritual and social aspects.

This MAGAZINE will be issued weekly (expect for next week when I'm away!) and will bring together all the wonderful 'healthy happenings' within the Steemit community - tips, inspiration, motivation, recipes....  All kinds of good stuff!  It will surely evolve as the weeks go on and I get chance to add more.  I will be looking to do interviews with Steemians too, so if you have a project of your own or something you particularly wish to bring attention to, please let me know.

This is not a sole mission, but a collaborative effort involving any Steemians who wish to share their knowledge and expertise (scroll down for details on how to get involved).

To cut a long story short – in Aug 2016 my personal blog was primarily concerned with sharing recipes for homemade healthy alternatives to (poisonous) processed products.  I then took over hosting the Steemit Culinary Challenge, and through that my ideas graduated to a project promoting all areas of health.

I'm a wife and mother, who cares deeply about the health of my family and indeed the health of everyone!  The thing I realised quite profoundly several years ago was: health is life... literally.  If you don't have your health... what good is anything else? 

At the moment we have an abundance of food and recipe posts, but please feel free to share anything related to good health... let your imagination go wild!  I'm afraid I don't have time to read and comment on all posts, but please don't let that put you off sharing.  It's all appreciated and all very valuable!

To see all the posts from the past 7 days, please click HERE.

To see all historical posts since the launch of the project, please click HERE.

All posts tagged with #makeithealthy get re-steemed, and then remain available for browsing through any time you like by visiting the @make-it-healthy page. 

I will be cataloging posts as soon as I get chance, but for now at least they are all saved and available on the @make-it-healthy blog and not lost somewhere in Steemit history!

The Steem Running Project:  Nutrition Basics Week 1 - by @runningproject 

My FIRST 24 Hours On Steemit - I little bit more about me and my transformation journey - by @elevatedlife


Motivating Exercises To Get Busy People Exercising At Home - by @biglipsmama

#MeditationMarch ! A Daily Meditation for the Month of March Challenge! Wont you join me? - by @dayleeo

Super Healthy Vegan Tacos Filled With Lots Of Nutrients - by @plantbasedmiri

Fresh, Organic Onions for FRUITS AND VEGGIES MONDAY COMPETITION - by @erikah

How We Get Sick / Catch Disease / Develop Illness and What To Do About It - by @vibranthealth

Postcard From White Heaven ❄️ Why We Need To Go Out and Just Live - by @surfermarly

More Comfort Food at Home - Vegan Mushroom Gravy Pie with Kale Mashed Potato - by @steemit-foodie

Yoga to keep body and mind healthy - by @blackybabies

Health:  Males over 40! - by @tordoc

Potato, Parsnip & Cauliflower Rice Salad with Arugula & Mint Pesto - by @plantstoplanks

What to buy in March ~ FruitsAndVeggiesMonday - by @pusteblume

Daily Inspiration: Love is Everything - by @jstajok


What I learned from the cleaner (janitor) - by @healthsquared

Sugary Drinks - Good or Bad? (Includes science experiment) - by @tanyaschutte

Hair care - by @the-best-health

PHYSICAL -  "Start where you are.  Use what you have.  Do what you can" ~ Arthur Ashe

MENTAL -  "Unplug from the drama.  Re-charge with the Mama" ~ unknown

SPIRITUAL -  "I am losing precious days.  I am degenerating into a machine for making money.  I am learning nothing in this trivial world of men.  I must break away and get out into the mountains to learn the news" ~ John Muir

SOCIAL -  "A heart that gives, gathers" ~ Marianne Moore

 What if time spent creating these health-inspiring posts wasn't simply a chance for SBD or peer appreciation, but also held the possibility of changing lives for the better?  Of prolonging lives because you shared crucial information? Actually keeping people alive and well!  How's that for motivation!!! 

If you don't find time to be healthy, you'll have to make time to be sick.  There's far too much unnecessary sickness in the world, so let's do something about it, even if it's only one recipe, or one tip, or one good-health-inspiring post.  Let's give the world a helping hand.  Together, let's Make It Healthy. 

Please remember INCLUDE A LINK TO THIS PROJECT in your posts and spread the word!  Many thanks x

Ideas for Topics

 Food,   ingredients,   recipes (no sugar, processed, refined or artificial ingredients please),   diets,   nutrition,   hydration,   vitmains/minerals/supplements,   ananlysis of store-bought-products,   weight-loss,   exercise,   exercise equipment & hacks,   healing,   natural remedies,   natural medicines,   homeopathy,   homesteading,   gardening,   homemade beauty products/cosmetics,   illness/symptoms,   oral health,   hygiene,   environment,   pollution/toxins,   art/crafts,   meditation,   relaxation,   mindfulness,   motivation,   grounding,   feng sui,   counselling,   journaling,   dance,   music,   health website reviews,   sex,   addiction,   depression/anxiety,   homeschooling/unschooling,   fostering,   sleep/insomnia,   hair & skin care,   stress,   pregnancy/birth,   sun exposure,   clothing/materials,   death/grief,   community,   solitude,   disabilities,  fasting/intermittent fasting,   personal health journeys/testimonies 

-  Tell us about your personal health journey – what inspired or motivated you to change your attitudes/approaches and what are the results?


-  How has Steemit influenced your health choices?

-  Interview a friend (with consent) about their health journeys.  What can we learn from hearing about what your friend has gone through?

-  Tell us about what kind of activities or resources are available in your country or local area?  E.g. Local organic produce, fitness programmes, exercise classes, social clubs, wholefoods stores, healthy bakeries, initiatives to encourage healthy children

-  Interviews with owners/managers of health-related shops, health programmes, resources – find out the inspiration behind these businesses

-  “Make Me Healthy” - with full consent of a family member or friend, make them your 'project' and bring them to better health!

-  Bake healthy snacks to share among your community eg colleagues, neighbours, care homes, local creche/schools, and share these good works with us.

-  Initiate health projects for your child's school – art, music, healthy eating, exercise... make a day of it, invite the parents, invite the whole community! 

Unconventional Living Vs Mainstream Living:  What's Your Opinion?

Homemade Healthy "Chip Shop" Curry Sauce!

Homemade Healthy Alternatives to Store-Bought Snacks for Children (Original Recipes) 

Homemade Potato Crisps (Some Flat, Some Spiral!)

Lose Weight... In Front of the Mirror!  (And Other Effective Tips For Indoor Weight-Loss)...

"Beauty-Fruity Green Millet for Infants!"

From Hippo to Gazelle... My Approach to Weight-Loss That Actually Works!

My Days as a Samba-Reggae Bass Drum Player...  Healthy Body & Healthy Soul!

"Toddler Stew"

How to Remove ALL Harmful Ingredients From Your Diet FOREVER in 4 EASY STEPS!

Is Hoarding Healthy or is Simplifying Sweeter?

Introduction to the "Make It Healthy Project"

Initiated by...

("5 Cs" shared with kind permission of @kiwideb)


Oh! Thank you! I just noticed, mast have overseen this in the last two days! I feel very honored! 🙏🏻 Thank you again for featuring my post! 😘

I'm happy that you're pleased @pusteblume! You give us ever so many wonderfully healthy posts all the time, how could you not feature?! ;-)

What a find! You recently upvoted a post of mine so respectfully came to take a look & so pleased I did. Great post, easy to read layout, inspiring, full of valuable content & something I’ll follow & love to support.

I’m in Mental Health & keen on building a community to provide shared-help to the supporters of those suffering with mental health issues and trapped in negative emotional states.

I feel I’ve found the start of my community here - thank you! DJ

I'm delighted to hear all that @zoedj! I too found the 'health corner' of Steemit most welcoming soon after I joined up, and honestly my life feels enriched, so many wonderful people sharing wonderful things :-) I will be very happy to support you in helping reach out to the community with your posts.. use the #makeithealthy tag any time you like and I will upvote, re-steem and most likely feature in the magazine too. There's still quite a bit of misunderstandings about mental health struggles (especially from people who haven't gone through any struggles themselves!) and I'd love to get more of the truth out there. I will see you around for sure!

What a wonderful and supportive response - thank you @lizelle I really value your time and encouragement. I fully agree with your comments, as mental health issues continue to rise, along with the cost of #presenteeism often on the part of the supporters, we have to raise its profile and somehow together the teachings of others on what to do, not to do and how to stay impartial and not carry the weight of the sufferer! Thank you so much, I will definitely use the #makeithealthy on this weekends blog post. Kindest DJ

Thank you for featuring my post. Much appreciated.

You're welcome @steemit-foodie! Love your comfort food posts, they make me feel a little bit warmer as I sit here with my hat and gloves on during this cold Irish winter!!!

We have a magazine!!! This is an awesome idea Joanna!!! Thank you so much for including me, it is truly honor my Dear. I love all the fabulous an educational entries. as well. I will book mark it so I have it for future reference 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇

Thanks so much Lena! I couldn't not include you in it, you're always so supportive and enthusiastic and more to the point, your food is so wonderful it needs to be shared far and wide! I would love to do an interview with you sometime to feature in it, if that's something you'd be interested in?

You are so sweet Joanna and of course it would be an honor to be interviewed by you 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇

Great! :-) I'll be in touch about it in due course!

Let's continue the work and raise awareness of healthy eating and living!
Thanks again for your effort and keep up the good work! :)@woman-onthe-wing thank you so much for featuring my article in the very fists issue of this amazing magazine! It's a great honor for me and also a feedback to continue what I've started.

You're most welcome @erikah, and thank you too for your lovely comment! Hopefully the more of us encouraging healthy choices, the more people will feel inspired and motivated to get healthier. At least, it does no harm in trying! I look forward to seeing more of your posts :-)

Thank you @woman-onthe-wing! You can count on me, always! 😃I have a couple of ideas in mind.

Great idea :) Thanks for the feature

Hey @woman-onthe-wing I have been posting regularly on running and fitness and would love to contribute. I will include your tags and let me know if yo need anything specific. Regards

Sounds great I will have a wee nosey of your blog! Yes, please do use the tag as much as you want... the more people that see these great health-inspiring posts the better. I'm away next week but in due course I will surely be in touch, thanks for the offer and support!

What a wonderful idea! I am looking forward being a part of and contributing to this community. We all want to live healthier lives! Thank you! Resteemed!

Thanks very much for your support and enthusiasm @birdsinparadise! I do think you're right, more people are becoming aware of things that harm their health and wish to make some positive changes. Please do use the tag as much as you like and spread good health all around! :-) I look forward to see your contributions!

What a fabulous idea a weekly mag, now we might be able to keep up to date with all this great information more.
Thank you for adding one of mine in the 1st issue really appreciate it.

No doubt many of your posts will be featured @biglipsmama, you always post excellent advice and positivity too... just what we all need! Thanks for your support, it's really appreciated :-)

A magazine!!!! Excellent my dear! I love this project, you are doing so much for this community! Congratulations

Thanks very much @maruharraca, I want to do what I can and I also love doing it, so win-win for everyone! Thank you for supporting :-)

Such a fantastic first edition! I am truly honored to be a part of such an important project, as what is life if we don't take care of ourselves to enjoy it? It may take me a few days, but I will definitely check out all of the featured posts. It is wonderful to find so many other people spreading positivity and good health for all of us to see!

Thank you very much! I will be finding ways of getting even more great stuff from the community in there, without making the whole thing feel too jam-packed or messy! Where there's a will there's a way :-) I would love to see lots of people on board with the running project, so anything I can do with my project to promote it I will be happy to! :-)

Wow, I love your selections of healthy articles you've gathered here. Isn't Steemit amazing?!!

Steemit is indeed amazing @peggyhazelwood, and this is only a tiny taster of the wonderful posts from the community! I do love browsing through them :-)

Thank you for the feature @woman-on-the-wing ! I love the idea of a steemit magazine well done!

You're very welcome @dayleeo, and many thanks for your enthusiasm for the magazine! It will grow as the weeks go on and hopefully give people something pleasant and inspiring to peruse! :-) Good luck with your meditation march initiative!

Would like to contribute somehow. How can we define healthy? There are people seeing bread as a poison.

Ha ha, yes I know. Personally I don't have a problem with gluten, I have a good digestive system and don't experience bloating or any adverse reactions, neither does my little boy. My opinion is that organic, unbleached whole flour is fine. After all, wheat is a plant, and I eat plants. I prefer using the more ancient grains such as spelt or khorasan flour rather than modern wheat, but each to their own. So I'd say bleached or non-organic wouldn't really be classed as 'healthy' because non-organic contains harmful pesticide residue, and bleached is obviously not good either! But at the end of the day people have been eating bread for centuries, and it's only really modern wheat and processes and all that 'interference' with the plant in its natural state that causes problems. I hope that answers your question, but I'm up for further discussion if you're not convinced! :-) I just posted a bread recipe myself :-)

What about white strong organic?

Hi @breadcentric, sorry for the delayed reply, I've been away! Hmm, well, organic is better than not, but white is still bleached and therefore not good for health:

"It’s generally understood that refining food destroys nutrients. With the most nutritious part of the grain removed, white flour essentially becomes a form of sugar. Consider what gets lost in the refining process:

  • Half of the beneficial unsaturated fatty acids
  • Virtually all of the vitamin E
  • Fifty percent of the calcium
  • Seventy percent of the phosphorus
  • Eighty percent of the iron
  • Ninety eight percent of the magnesium
  • Fifty to 80 percent of the B vitamins"

Here is the source of this info which explains why wholewheat is really the only healthy option. It's all about interfering with something that should be consumed in its whole and unaltered state. This applies to everything we eat - any interference means bad news for health. Even juicing fruit, because we're meant to eat the whole lot, pulp and all! I hope that makes sense and answers your question about white flour.

Feel free to use white in your home baking of course, as this doesn't affect anyone but yourself, but if posting a recipe under the #makeithealthy tag, I would politely request you recommend 'unbleached or wholewheat' in the ingredients list :-) many thanks

Ah, you see, I call unbleached white by default :)
White had always been the opposite of wholemeal to me :)

Wow! I'm a dietitian and health is one of the main topics I wont to write about here, on Steemit. Recently I've been blogging mainly in my native language - polish. There is a community of polish people who are interested in health and I love providing them with useful, scientifically-proven information. I'm thrilled to find out about your initiative! Will participate for sure. If you'll need any help with that project in the future - let me know! I'm willing to help any way I can :) Let's make Steemit healthier together!!

Hi there @anna.urbanska... apologies for the delayed reply as I've been away. I'm delighted to hear your interest in the project, and welcome all that you have to offer the community with regard to any aspects of health. Any advice and tips you can lend as a dietitian will be wonderful, and if you want to post in both Polish and English that will mean any Polish who can't speak English can access the info too, but I leave that up to you! I'm intending on doing interviews with Steemians who are able to offer expertise, and if you'd be interested in being interviewed sometime for the Magazine that would be great?

Yeah, I think I will stick to posting in both - Polish and English :) And it would be my pleasure to be interviewed of course 😊

That's wonderful, thank you! I will be in touch about that in due course :-)