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RE: From Hippo to Gazelle... My Approach to Weight-Loss That Actually Works!

So much truth my friend! Not only just the government, but the fitness and "nutrition" industry are just as bad many times. I preach what you have written about every day to people, but unfortunately it's not"sexy". Everyone wants the quick fix or magic potion.

It's disheartening sometimes to be in the fitness industry and see so many people sacrifice long-term health to lose weight fast. It makes me so happy to hear stories like yours to counter that! Eat real food and move your body. Throw some good rest and a little meditation in there and you're golden! 😀


I hear ya @plantstoplanks! Disheartening indeed, but hopefully even if our advice is rejected at first, perhaps we plant tiny seeds that blossom in due course! The same is true for myself... I might not want to listen straight away, but things come back to me maybe years later and then I finally accept that person was right after all! If there was a magic potion I wouldn't want it - I love how my body feels after eating right and exercise, and the satisfaction of it all... and I'm guessing you're the same :-) Keep it up anyway, I'm sure you do more good for people than you realise!