Make A Minnow #11 /// Top Three Contenders Announcement and Voting Post

in #makeaminnow7 years ago (edited)


Welcome to the 11th Make a Minnow voting post!

This initiative is about awarding a minnow who creates qualty content and supports fellow content creators in a community under the PAL/MSP umbrella by giving that minnow a delegation prize as a reward for their efforts!

The prize this round will be a 5000 SP delegation for four weeks!

Giving our minnows the opportunity to have increased curation influence benefits the entire Steemit ecosystem and should be considered a great honour.

This Second post announces the start of the Voting Round and lists the nominees that have been selected.

Eligible voters that nominated during the Nomination Round have one week to comment on this post with their vote from the list of selected nominees.

Update: prechi (37 nominations) has been disqualified due to plagiarism.

More details below.

This week our top three contenders are @soundwavesphoton, @gokhan83kurt, and @meno! The nominations were as follows for our top three:

@soundwavesphoton (10 nominations)

@diebitch @llfarms @soulturtle @torico @kodaxx @kerlund74 @tanishqyeverma @inquiringtimes @asonintrigue @dante31

@gokhan83kurt (8 nominations)

@biriki3 @bircan @onderakcaalan @ozkanozturkk @gulfuren @nurtensul @mesafe @baycan

@meno (5 nominations)

@jfolkmann @kubbyelizabeth @staceyjean @uniwhisp @aggroed

These nominators are also eligible to vote in the next round as they have voted for an eligible candidate who did not make it into the top three: @r0nd0n @sunravelme @embesilikat @clayboyn

More on the disqualification

I, @eturnex, have the duty to inform you that prechi has two plagiarised posts in the last week. The Organizers and I, in consultation with contest founders, have decided to disqualify the nominee and temporarily ban the nominee from participation in upcoming MaM contests. The ban is temporary to allow the disqualified party a chance to demonstrate they have reformed.

Plagiarism is a breach of the Make A Minnow rules. While plagiarism is not explicitly mentioned at this time, the intepretation of the rules is at the sole discretion of the MaM Organizers. Here is how I, @eturnerx, have chosen to interpret plagarism in light of the rules: Nominees must exemplify the values of MSP/PALNet, make a postivie contribute to the community and create quality content. Plagiarism does not exemplify the values of the MSP/PALNet, is not a positive contribution to the community, and is not quality content. Therefore, I take the rare step of disqualifying the nominee.

A summary of the effects of the disqualification:

  • prechi is disqualified from MaM#11
  • prechi cannot be nominated for another Make A Minnow contest until after 1 May 2018
  • prechi may not nominate (and by extension vote) in another Make A Minnow contest until after 1 May 2018
  • Those that nominated prechi are not eligible to vote in MaM#11
  • The nominee with the fourth most valid nominations is now in the voting round
  • I will flag/upvote to try organise the comments.

If you have an comments about this decision, then please discuss in the comments below.

Ineligible nominations

We also had a number of ineligible nominations as they were not delegating/nominated someone who was not eligible, these users are not eligible to vote in this round:
@predict-win, @oguzhangazi, @turistomer, @schubes, @mistacute, @fearless97, @jesusagon, @robmenzies, @paradigmprospect, @yohannagotopo, @jeander, @turkishcrew, @johangericke, @clairefabella, @thermoplastic, @kathleenscarboro, @adesojisouljay, @yasirgawad, @aduragbemi, @chemmy, @ifunanyaikemma, @winstonomeruah, @demonsthenes, @mnine3, @artizm, @drasad, @sirsticks, @maxdah, @mnallica, @aidefr, @apiprincz, @juli11157, @juli1, @vickyrich, @shizzy, @dtwo, @dhayor, @iamthegrey, @olajidekehinde, @murphylee, @mzajoke

The following nominators are not eligible to vote because their nominated nominee has been disqualified:
@jerryboy4luv, @kodeblacc, @cryptomaxdagr8t, @adabless, @gloeze, @dee-y, @julietisrael, @emekacollins, @ajremy, @oyinoza, @dinah4sure, @amec, @onos, @arcjen02, @masterpiz, @levitated-mind, @ewuoso, @jblsignature, @utomobong, @unireal1, @sirsticks, @xplore, @stevenson7, @sussan, @sparklez, @princeyk, @sciencegeek, @princeso, @mritsnobigdeal, @fejiro, @kweenzykruzy, @dayjee, @tony-duke, @steemcenturion, @alisonudeme, @xpressng, @jadeturf

We ask nominators to exercise more care in who they nominate. Plagiarism does not exemplify the values of the MSP/PALNet, is not a positive contribution to the community, and is not quality content. Inappropriate nominations reflect badly on the Make A Minnow contest and upon the nominator themselves.

We trust all the members will vote carefully with the PAL (Peace, Abundance and Liberty) values in mind! Best of luck to all nominees that made it through to this round!

If you would like to review the guidelines for Make A Minnow please read through the post here

All users listed above who had eligible nominations may cast their vote in the comment section, also previous MaM winners are always eligible to vote! This is the voting post so please vote in the comments below! You have until this post pays out to complete this step.

Organizers: @juliakponsford, @clayboyn


To vote for @soundwavesphoton comment VOTE here:

[insert vote here] :)

I came here to vote Meno, but here is the bunch of awesomeness called SWP making it all hard for me. I thought it'll be an easy choice this time. I would have to vote this GIF aficionado, excellent guy. From the first day I landed on this server you've greeted me with so much lovewaves. Take my vote, mate <3

@soundwavesphoton my padi

A great dude all the way up on Minnow Support, My Vote goes with you.


i vote for fractalized soundwaves

I vote sound unequivocally~ I think he is the perfect example of a MaM winner and I love him.

Voting for @soundwavesphoton with huge lovewaves <3

vote for blunts : )

I don't know if I am eligible to vote, been away so very damn long, but it looks like @soundwavesphoton to me

To vote for @meno comment VOTE here:

I vote for @meno!

gives meno a nugget

I vote for the @meno

take my money! :D

I have no idea if I can vote again....but all the meno

To vote for @gokhan83kurt comment VOTE here:

I vote for @gokhan83kurt

I vote for @gokhan83kurt

I'm voting for @gokhan83kurt

I'm voting for @gokhan83kurt

I'm voting for @gokhan83kurt!

I'm voting for @gokhan83kurt!

I really want to tender my sincere apology.

I have never wished for my blog to be stained with plagiarised post but due to carelessness I couldn't reference properly.

I really don't want to be one bad member to the community.My sincere apology to the PAL community, the @msp-makeaminnow, @minnowsupport

My sincere apology to the @kingbee family (Steembees) and the wonderful Steemians who saw my work on the steemit platform and decided to nominate me as their choice.

Thanks also to the PAL community for giving me a chance to still be a part of this project from 1st of May. I really do appreciate.

You can always be active in MSP community on discord. Cheers

I vote for @zboyd

X. you cannot vote for yourself.

I was just being funny. Lol

i was just makin sure...

This post has been resteemed from MSP3K courtesy of @juliakponsford from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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I place my vote for @meno :)