How I made 44 Dolars only creating and Uploading Memes in PicturePunches
You can make Money online with upload your memeş and get Money.There is a nice website is Picturepunches.
Why should you sign up ?
Registered users get to post memes and make money. Also they get to subscribe to their favorite users and rooms. And of course comment and like on memes.
What is the minimum withdraw amount?
Currently the minimum is 1 Dollars ($1.00 USD)
How are you gonna receive your earnings?
You need to have a PayPal account. If you do you need a PayPal Me link. After you withdraw your earnings your money will be sent to the PayPal Me link that you provided in the settings page under PayPal.
How long does it take to receive your earnings?
Usually in less than 24 hours. But some times i recieved only 1-6 hours
What kind of content should you upload?
You should post original memes created by you, but you could also post memes that are not yours. Posting original memes means more subscribers, hot and trending sections impressions which translates into higher earnings.
How do you earn Money?
Each picture has a sponsored ad below it, you make money from that ad impressions.I f you want to be a meme creator you can join PicturePunches,if you want to ask anything you can write and ask owner of Picturepunches.