Introducing Saturn-Day Morning MAGICK!

in #magick7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Saturn-Day Morning Magick!

Remember being little and getting up early to watch your cartoons. There was a certain magic in the ritual of it all, wasn't there? This ritual is one that many of us in American culture experienced throughout our childhood, one that many of us learned from our parents or like my kids, probably did alongside with their parents.

As we age, magical moments like this can sometimes appear less and less. Sometimes, with busy lives and schedules, it is easy for a routine to fall to the wayside unless it is about work or our kids being shuffled to school. I was even asked the other day, "Who has time to do rituals that aren't necessary?"

Rituals ARE Necessary!

Routine and rituals help to stabilize the brain, give you something to look forward to and can be viewed as a bit of a reward even. Routines help us to regulate our lives and they don't have to be for everyone else. In fact, they shouldn't be.

Unfortunately, they are for me!

If you're like me, you may find it difficult to stick to a schedule all of the time. That is normal. However, just because it is normal in the human experience, that doesn't make it right or good for us. I am taking part of a personal 30 days of transparency. I have been documenting my own rituals, busting out all of my journals and taking the time each day to write. I am also seeing in that time what I need to remember, what I may need to relearn and where I can explore in my magickal practice that perhaps I have neglected.

In part of this, I realized a schedule, was sorely lacking. I began writing an article about journaling (which is in the works and becoming a bigger project than I had ever planned on) and part 1 is just about done. I could have finished up with that, but instead, I came up with this idea...

Saturn-day Morning Magick!

It is my goal to do this as often as I can on the weekends. I find that for the last few weeks I am up very late, working all night on Fridays and then I work most of the weekend. It is my natural cycle. It is also when I have come to enjoy my time writing in peaceful quiet while the rest of the house is working, out at the bar or just chilling. It is getting cold, so I don't tend to go out and I find it the one day a week that I can really dive into magick. It is like when I was a kid and my parents were sleeping. Then, I would sneak up and go out to the living room, turn on the television and watch whatever I could find. As I got older, I anticipated shows. I need some X-Men reruns, stat!

Why Saturn-day?

Well, aside from sounding punny to Saturday Morning Cartoons (and I love puns) I also liked this idea for today because Saturday is related to the energies of Saturn.

Saturn is about lessons, transformation and doing what you need to do to get on track basically. I think of him as a daddy-figure of sorts, laying down the law and doling out expectations. Saturn leads with a heavy fist and is clear in his need for you to listen, adapt and change. He is not easy because that isn't usually how we learn. Nope, people gotta do things the hard way!

What About the Other Days?

You may wonder, why do we have a 7-day system to track weeks of time. You may have also wondered why the names of the days named as they are.

You can thank the Romans for both. Granted, the 7-day system itself is technically yet another thing that we can attribute to the Babylonians, as they did introduce the system. The Romans, specifically, were the first to popularize the 7 day week with the Julian calendar back in a time when time tracking varied across the globe. In Africa, they preferred a 4 day week and Egypt considerably more. In fact, Romans themselves actually had 8 days between market days. Then, there was a consolidation in the times of Caesar and stayed that way till around 1600 when the Gregorian calendar became more popular. The Gregorian calendar is based on the lunar cycle, but many occultists still rely on the magickal system put in place by the Mesopotamians all those years before.

Witches, occultists and other magickal practitioners now mostly follow the Gregorian calendar, and we witness and worship during the moons each month. We also apply the days to our practices as corresponding with the planets, and the sun and moon.

What Can You Expect With Your Saturn-Day Morning Magick?

Well, this is the first week and being the super Sagitarrian, I am not always one for planning! I am definitely working on it. My goal is to have something interesting each week that you can get up to on Saturday and digest before going on with your weekend.

Today, I am going to finish up part one and post for the later rising folks, so later I will post about journaling and writing down your own magickal story. Each week we will have differnt topics and follow up with topics during the week as well!

Knowledge is Power!

Knowing of yourself is vital to any practice because you are the center of your magick, your universe is you and is created by you. Saturday is a good time to confront the lessons that are challenging us and rise above. This is why we will be talking about the basics of documenting. It's a great first start and one that I hope you are already at least somewhat familiar with...


As we get the basics and correspondences hammered out, it is my hopes to grow and share knowledge with Steem and eventually, a dialogue will take place. After knowing yourself, I think that a lot of practitioners need to work on knowing others. Sometimes it is the only way to understand ourselves in the first place!

So, stay tuned later today for the first official installment!

Love and Light -
Have a happy and safe weekend!

More About Days of the Week:
Farmer's Almanac

Announcements and Gratitudes

One final thing I would like to give a shout out to you all!
300 followers was a great milestone that I hit this week.

300 Steem RD.PNG

I am really grateful for this whole esoteric experience. It has been rad sharing it in this way, a new and dymamic method, through Steem. It has allowed me to be more responsible to myself, explore my own practices more and really define how my practices should be now that I am practicing in a more solitary setting. Thank you all for joining, reading and following along!

Come With Me On My Journey

Keep following along and find out more about magick, philosophy, art, poetry and more!

Here are some articles that you may like:

Some Mabon Musings As We Enter the Dark Part of the Year
Mindfulness and Meditation

The Beginning of my 30 Days of Transparency

And if you're in the mood for art....
Beautiful Monsters Comp - I got 2nd Place! Woot!

For the Love of Fight Club


Thanks for sharing your perspective!

As for my favorite thought - there is only one day - today!
Yesterday is already forgotten and tomorrow is never going to be here, You have only this moment you are in right now - enjoy it and have a peace of mind.

Love, Peace, Gratitude!

Thank you :) I love that quote as well! I have my own reasons for loving it, without going into the emo story, I really appreciate the comment.

Won't say out loud that there is some magic in emo stories, hehe.
Grateful for meeting you! Keep on rolling!

Read this just now as Im waking up and not Weird Al, white and nerdy is stuck in my head. Lol