Really pleased that you selected 'Summer Beauty' for your initial resteem. 🦋
Thanks ever so much Melinda. I've missed being here too. Trying to juggle too many things I wish to do without becoming a night owl. Been there done that TOO much. And coming to realise that in order to create one ~ Or at least this one ~ Needs to go to sleep early and wake up with the birds.
Blogging at Steemit, I'd neglected my own website and blog too. So I'm reformatting everything I've shared here to suit wordpress. And it's a VERY slow process. I also really love Instagram ~ And have been catching up there as well.
Most importantly I feel that I need the space for new work that I feel is on the brink of pouring out. Have started playing with charcoal and pastel. And love it ~ Always have.
I hope your new year is really creative and filled with much love and harmony Melinda. 🦋
Thanks for your sweet good wishes! I enjoy the money I make on Steem far too much to give my efforts away on other sites! Hope you get everything arranged the way you want it!
I love the concept of peer value and one's work being given value.
Earning Steem is a very attractive feature of Steemit that's for sure. In one sense, I don't earn very much in relationship to the time/energy I give to the creation of an article here ~ Although in relationship to what I earn at IG, FB or Tumblr, it's a small fortune.
I have always loved the blog format and the Steemit platform itself. And there are quite a few people here, including you, who I love to connect with. So altogether it's still a very enticing place for me to be. 😊
Thanks @resteemer.
Really pleased that you selected 'Summer Beauty' for your initial resteem. 🦋
Thanks ever so much Melinda. I've missed being here too. Trying to juggle too many things I wish to do without becoming a night owl. Been there done that TOO much. And coming to realise that in order to create one ~ Or at least this one ~ Needs to go to sleep early and wake up with the birds.
Blogging at Steemit, I'd neglected my own website and blog too. So I'm reformatting everything I've shared here to suit wordpress. And it's a VERY slow process. I also really love Instagram ~ And have been catching up there as well.
Most importantly I feel that I need the space for new work that I feel is on the brink of pouring out. Have started playing with charcoal and pastel. And love it ~ Always have.
I hope your new year is really creative and filled with much love and harmony Melinda. 🦋
Thanks for your sweet good wishes! I enjoy the money I make on Steem far too much to give my efforts away on other sites! Hope you get everything arranged the way you want it!
I love the concept of peer value and one's work being given value.
Earning Steem is a very attractive feature of Steemit that's for sure. In one sense, I don't earn very much in relationship to the time/energy I give to the creation of an article here ~ Although in relationship to what I earn at IG, FB or Tumblr, it's a small fortune.
I have always loved the blog format and the Steemit platform itself. And there are quite a few people here, including you, who I love to connect with. So altogether it's still a very enticing place for me to be. 😊