Fantastis one and two waterdrop in aceh
Good evening Steemians all
tonight I showcased the beauty of the water droplets, which lay, on above the leaves of the plants, wanting, Steemians see that all are enjoying this beauty of nature, through the water droplets I show, to Steemians all, in home.
Selamat malam Steemians sepanjang
malam ini saya memamerkan keindahan tetesan air, yang terletak di atas dedaunan tanaman, ingin, Steemian melihat bahwa semua menikmati keindahan alam ini, melalui tetesan air yang saya tunjukkan, untuk Steemian semua, di rumah.
this droplet originated only 1 (one) large dot right above the leaf, but after a few minutes later, fell one more precisely in front of the first water droplet, when I was photographing the first water droplets, you can see it in the picture below.
tetesan ini berasal hanya 1 (satu) titik besar tepat di atas daun, tetapi setelah beberapa menit kemudian, jatuh satu lagi tepat di depan tetesan air pertama, ketika saya memotret tetesan air pertama, Anda dapat melihatnya dalam gambar di bawah.
in the picture is also very clear, there are some water droplets right at the edge of the leaf, just waiting to fall from the top of the leaf, in the rain drizzle conditions, I accelerate in shooting, due to unfavorable weather conditions, to my camera situation.
dalam gambar juga sangat jelas, ada beberapa tetesan air tepat di tepi daun, hanya menunggu untuk jatuh dari atas daun, dalam kondisi hujan gerimis, saya mempercepat dalam pengambilan gambar, karena kondisi cuaca yang tidak mendukung, hingga situasi kameraku.
so with the next picture, you can see, the water droplets that lay side by side, alongside the leaves also accompanied by, some very beautiful rain drops.
jadi dengan gambar selanjutnya, Anda bisa lihat, tetesan air yang terbentang berdampingan, di samping dedaunan juga ditemani, beberapa tetes hujan sangat indah.
in the next image, similar to the image above, I show multiple sides, in shooting, front, top, left and right.
pada gambar berikutnya, mirip dengan gambar di atas, saya menampilkan banyak sisi, dalam pengambilan gambar, depan, atas, kiri dan kanan.
Tips to Steemians :
In shooting, water droplets above the plants or leaves, it takes a lot of patience, because otherwise the beautiful appearance will disappear instantly, in this shooting too, I use Tripod 3 feet, so in any condition, we live setting high and low only.
Dalam pemotretan, tetesan air di atas tanaman atau dedaunan, dibutuhkan banyak kesabaran, karena jika tidak penampilan yang indah akan hilang seketika, dalam pemotretan ini juga, saya menggunakan Tripod 3 kaki, jadi dalam kondisi apa pun, kita tinggal menyetel tinggi dan rendah saja.
this is what I can say, in today's opportunity, hopefully what you see, can be beneficial to all Steemians
inilah yang bisa saya katakan, di kesempatan hari ini, semoga apa yang Anda lihat, bisa bermanfaat bagi semua Steemian
I end with a word
Saya mengakhiri dengan sebuah kata
Regards from me
Camera Cannon 1300D
Photo lens EF-S 18-55mm
Location Forest Indonesia - aceh
Regards from me
Camera | Cannon 1300D |
Photo lens | EF-S 18-55mm |
Location | Forest Indonesia - aceh |
wow! i just wish to learn macrophotography from you. The click did not even missed the little drop, so clear.
Most welcome to sir..
hy @sultan-aceh photography yang sangat bagus .mulai dari pengambilan foto nya .dan dari efek cahaya yang begitu bagus
Regards @hamdani01
thank so much @hamdani01
thank Re-steemed
iya sama sama bang .@sultan-aceh
you are incredible ,, photography that you show this is something I admire very much, I try to target this picture. then I failed to produce a good photography waterdrop, this is great
thank so much @dayatsiaulia
Your welcome @sultan-aceh
I do really have to say it is fascinating buddy .A perfect shot indeed !
thank so much @rehan12
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thank @photocontests
Get that aduen
terimong geunaseh @nec10
Get aduen
thank so much @teresah
The leaf looks like velvet and the drops of water seem to caress. I like it!!
thank so much @jdbs
Very beautiful photos, impeccable work and as you say it is a work of patience and love.
hai @anasuleidy
thank so much ok
Thank @sultan-aceh you for giving us these majestic photographs. You're very talented.
thank so much @elider11
Lagak that cara cok gambar lago,, postingan yang bagus bang @sultan-aceh,,, semoga sukses selalu bang....
terima kasih @muksaldesaigrafi
sukses juga untuk anda
Iya... Terima kasih... Hwhhe
photogarpy incredible comrades, I really like, may my friends always success, my kind-hearted friend I need help and support from my friends, once wrote @sultan-aceh
thank so much @aries01
yes ok
Masya it..
it looks like an ilusion...
is it real picture brother??
great you are..
terima kasih @adibigbal
Your post resteemed by @steemch
this natural law is determined against water if a gentle touch of water that can not be touched by water flowing in every lowland if a special leaf like a taro leaves that does not touch the water lage bak leubu
kalau menurut saya ini memang ada kuasa sang pencipta yang manusia hanya terbengong kenama bisa begitu ya inilah hukum alam ini ditentukan terhadap air jika sentuhan lembut air yang tidak dapat tersentuh oleh air yang mengalir di setiap dataran rendah jika daun khusus seperti daun talas nyo bak leubu mungkin ini sedikit komentar saya puas ilon lake maah be
Woowww...ini benar2 tangkapan kamera yang luar biasa @sultan-aceh
Tidak diragukan lagi anda memang berbakat dalam fotography. Sukses buat hutan aceh, daun dan setetes air saja sudah bisa berbicara tentang keindahan Sang Pencipta.
kalau menurut pemikiran saya ini memang ada kuasa sang pencipta yang manusia hanya memantau kenama bisa begitu ya inilah hukum alam ini ditentukan terhadap air, be success semoga exist selalu@sultan-aceh tetap jaya dan semangkin berkembang di mata world web wide amiiin
memang mantap dan ok banget deh sayapikir pun begitu seperti daun keladi juga tidak tersentuh air
Get that aduen@sultan-aceh
Get that aduen nyo baru get that .Masya it..
it looks like an ilusion...
is it real picture brother??
great you are.. Woowww...ini benar2 tangkapan kamera yang luar biasa @sultan-aceh
Lagak that cara drouen cok gambar lago,, postingan yang bagus bang @sultan-aceh,,, semoga sukses selalu bang.......
your effort to take the picture is very great. It need patience and
it takes patience and dexterity in taking photographs. Setting angle of picking up the right and proper with water moment of watering on leaf what else is in the middle of drizzle. Keep the image clear. Tripod @ aceh aceh use is very helpful for shooting become more stable and precise.
but returned to the effort of photographing the natural beauty of just a drop of water on the leaves. Then I should also participate reteem bang ...