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RE: Island Millions Of Spsesies

in #macrophotography β€’ 7 years ago

I have several times taken pictures of mosquitoes but it always fails. Even I let my skin bitten and my blood sucked, but it still did not work either...
I hope you are willing to tell me some tricks... Hehehee...πŸ˜…πŸ‘It's so amazing Mr. @abudar...πŸ‘ how can you shoot those mosquitoes without making them fly ?...

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what you do is correct
on other occasions you will find them and succeed
you try again

Thank you very much Mr. @abudar...πŸ™πŸ™ I will try harder inshaAllah...πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

Na ilmei pengaseh sang gobnyan tgk.saiful...gobnyan segolom beraksi sholat jmaah dimesjid..jadi mandum binatang han jiplung..kecuali rimueng, uleu, buya, nyan @abudar yang plueng..hehe

Hahahaa...πŸ˜‚ Nye chit nyan bang...πŸ˜