nature is perfect! God created things to keep us healthy and alive, unfortunately we have dedicated ourselves to ruining everything, for example, we live polluting seas and rivers, without knowing the damage we do to marine life, I live on the coast and eat freshly caught fish is a wonder, likewise those of us lucky enough to have small fields, we have the luck to sow and harvest many things, I love fruit, especially citrus, in the field of my grandparents I was dedicated to help with planting and harvesting oranges, Of course with the idea of making me delicious juices later, the same with lemons, the lemonade for me with the lemonade straight from the bush has a totally different flavor, is fresh and with a deeper flavor, in short, love nature as much as God loved us to give it to us, since she not only purifies the oxygen, gives us fruits full of vitamins and gives us beauty with her flowers, we could give a series of benefits, which would be perfect for one or more post, greetings friend, I appreciate your love ´por nature, excuse my mistakes in English use translator use
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