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RE: What is machine learning?

in #machinelearning8 years ago

If anyone is interested in setting up a deep neural network themself there` s a great open source software stack. It includes ASR ( Autormatic speech recognition tools), image matching tools and also textanalysis(grammar checks, sentiment analysis, keyword finder, similarity checker) to process incoming requests. Further it has a knowledge base attached plus several tools to manage your data backend on which the queries are finally processed.
There are docker containers and also virtualbox images available so you` re setup very quick with your own whole machine learning flow.

Lucida: Infrastructure to Study Emerging Intelligent Web Services
As Intelligent Personal Assistants (IPA) such as Apple Siri, Google Now, Microsoft Cortana, and Amazon Echo continue to gain traction, webservice companies are now providing image, speech, and natural language processing web services as the core applications in their datacenters. These emerging applications require machine learning and are known to be significantly more compute intensive than traditional cloud based web services, giving rise to a number of questions surrounding the designs of server and datacenter architectures for handling this volume of computation.
