How I achieve my goals

in #m-steem6 years ago

"put your goals in writing. If you can't put it on a sheet of of paper, you can't do what it takes to achieve the goal ".
The thought of wanting to achieve so many things at the same time is quite distracting, as a matter of fact, it leads to confusion and comes out unyeilded.
I believe in setting goals, once asked what your goals are and you seem stone shocked? Most times its because we hold alot in our minds and forget to focus on one important thing that we have passion for.
What are your goals?
Your goals should be what keeps your heart beating, your aspirations and dreams. When you focus on that goal, only then will it manifest and yield results or bear fruits.
Ever committed yourself to achieving a goal or a dream? Several times we set goals but at the long run we tend to be distracted, and when we get distracted, we loose focus and when there is no focus, we are left as empty as before when we had no dream, no vision, no goal.
"the establishment of a clear central purpose or goal in life is the starting point of all success. An average person with average talent, ambition and education, can outstrip the most brilliant genius in our society. If that person has clear, focused goals ".
_Brian Tracy.
I believe in writing down my goals, do you feel same about it? Well, there is something about writing down your goals, it's unexplainable but it's fascinating how it happens.
Some people plan most times but fail, some put it down and succeed, why? Because something that you finally got to the level of putting down in writing simply implies that you have been thinking about it alot and finally got plans of actualising it, by putting it on writing again means you are probably prepared to begin.
Write a dream down today and see how far you can go. But putting down your goals alone does not determine if you will succeed.
"the achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it".
_Mack R. Douglas
After dreaming of something, thinking about it, writing it down and planning towards achieving that dream, the next thing is to be committed and persistent towards achieving it. Many at times we tend to give up easily, which we ain't supposed to, commitment to doing what makes us happy is something no one should give up on.